
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Back Online! And a Few Pics

Finally my internet is working again--and then today we are having these giant thunderstorms that mean I am unplugging the computer ever few minutes. We need the rain so badly I should not complain, however. I wanted to put up a few pictures of the past month to start catching up on posts. So here's a peak at the last few weeks:

Storm damage: we were lucky. Only big broken branches, lost food in the freezer, a torn up shed roof and some smaller broken items but no damage to the house.

 Allegheny Echoes, Larry's banjo class and my dulcimer class:

 Along the Greenbrier River Trail at Marlinton (we took a little walk one day after class):

Storytelling in Weston and Lost Creek:
 The Baxa is a hidden jewel of a hotel in Weston, WV; more about it in a later post.

And the library in Weston is a real treat for the eyes too:

 Craft time at Lost Creek:

Along the C&O Canal in Hancock, Maryland. We took a cooling-off break between performances in Berkeley Springs.
 Grandkids Clayton and Grace were with us while the power was off. Larry and Clayton opted for the porch as a sleeping place because inside the house was so hot. You can see one of the broken limbs that barely missed the deck.

On one of those 100-degree plus days, we took a drive to see the New River Gorge Bridge. You can see how hot it was by the haze in the photo.
 At Hawk's Nest, Larry and the kids used the big binoculars to look down into the gorge.
 I doubled the size of my booth at the antique mall, and started a booth at a different place. More photos of both later:

 I was disappointed when I finished my performances at Sistersville this week. The ferry was down for repairs! I suppose it does need maintenance from time to time. I sure was looking forward to a cool river ride that hot afternoon, though.

 There is so much more to tell! No canning which is weird in the extreme for me, but lots of storytelling and traveling. I am so thankful for all the good food I put up last year; even though we lost everything in the freezer my cellar is still almost full so I am not too worried about what is not happening this year, except for meat. We will certainly need to restock the venison this fall, and I will have to buy turkey and chicken because we did not raise this this year. Larry had too much on his plate this summer, and so did I; we worried about leaving them when we were away at Allegheny Echoes so we decided against raising any. Besides, we had 7 or 8 turkeys still in the freezer. Now those are gone so we're out of meat except for what I canned (thank goodness for that!). Fortunately, we eat little meat anyway so we can manage until we can restock.

It's nice to be back in blogland! I will try to catch up on reading your blogs too, as quickly as I can. Thanks for staying with me during this down time.

Copyright 2007 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. You've had a busy few weeks!
    We all need the rain but after that storm that went through a few weeks ago it's kind of scary wondering if the rain is going to bring more of the same wind damage.
    Thankfully this evening we did get rain and the wind wasn't too bad.
    Glad you got the internet going again and hope the storms don't take it out again.

  2. It's been a stormy day, Jessica, but so far so good. Lots of rain but no terrible winds. You're right, the last storm has made us a little jumpy!

    It's been a very busy month for storytelling. By the end of July I'll have completed 25 programs. Next up is the weeklong Appalachian storytelling class I'll be teaching at the Augusta Heritage Center in Elkins, WV. That will be a very good week, I think.

  3. Really a great reflective shot at the C&O!

  4. so glad things are getting back to normal for you . . . and hope you got some rain. (we are in desperate straits, in southern Iowa). I love Porch Sleeping, the New River Bridge and want to walk on the Greenbriar River Trail some day. You, Sue, you have an artist's eye. Great pics!

  5. I didn't know you olks were taking lessons! I'd love to hear you play sometime. I took violin/fiddle for awhile and loved it...need to get back in to it. Anyhow, let's hear you play sometime!


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