
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I am sitting in air conditioning, drinking coffee and catching up on email and Facebook. No, the power is still off but I am on the road for storytelling and enjoying the creature comforts once again. It will be a few more days, I think, before life is back to what passes for normal. Meanwhile I worry about my gardens as they bake in the sun with no water. The few showers we have had do not give enough moisture to make a difference. But life and work go on. I HOPE YOU ARE KEEPING WELL AND COOL.


  1. Glad you are out and about storytelling and having fun. We are still without power in DC area - until Friday - our street in the "hardest hit" area so I am going on the road too - to our little house in PA where I can rehearse for the Fringeand be cool. You know what they say - - attitude is everything. BTW - who is they.

  2. Your storms are so harsh ...I hope life returns to normal soon I wish I could sit and listen to your stories.


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