
Monday, July 16, 2012

My tagline for this blog is "storytelling, writing, life and all that interveenes. , Lot of "intervenes" this month! Last week was very busy with storytelling. On my down days I waited on the satellite repair people. After visits by two technicians we still have no internet at home. The first guy did not know how. To repair my equipment; the second didn"t have a replacement modem. In both cases I waited all day., then had to call the company to find out where the repair guy was. So if you aree considering Wild Blue as a provider be warned:their service is terrible and the repair guys overworked and apparently under trained. But altohough it has been frustrating to not be able to post (once again doing this from my phone so please excuse the typos) all else is good. Storytelliing has been so good and I am on th way to a performance right now. Two today, one Wednesday, one Thursday for this week. The gardens are not so good but we got some good rains recently that give me hope of some crop later on. I haven worked on both booths this week and feel good about how they look. The expanded booth doubled sales which makes me happy! I am not as pleased with the second booth as the ower of the place is not maintaining the hours he said he wouuld. I also don't like the very poor. Lighting that he has promised to fix, but no action there. So I doubt I'll be staying there. Enough for now. I need to get back on the road. I hope everyone is staying well and cool. Copyright 2007 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. It's frustrating to have internet cut off. But unless you live in a city, choices tend to be limited. Sometimes the only choices are BAD and WORSE.


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