
Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall, Beautiful Fall

I've been fortunate to be able to travel so much this month and enjoy the glorious color we've had this year. I honestly think this is the prettiest fall I can remember. As I get older, I realize that the number of times I will witness this miracle gets fewer with each passing year. That doesn't depress me, it just makes me pay closer attention to the world around me and each of the small wonders presented each day.

The prettiest roads I have seen are right here at home. Maybe I'm just prejuduced but Joe's Run and the ridge have been stunning and I have taken picture after picture, trying to capture the beauty and still not satisfied that I've managed it. The view from our ridge is so colorful right now, but the whole drive is filled with pretty views.

Along Joe's Run there is a section that runs along the side of a hill. The road is overshadowed by trees as it takes its meandering path.

There are actually a few straight places on our road, like this one just past the church; well, it's kinda straight...

At the top of the hill we call the pole-bar hill (because long ago there was a pole and bar gate there, there is a little corner filled with colors:

Everywhere the trees are showing off, especially the maples, like the one below:

I like the old tree in this photo. It's kind of spooky, isn't it? It's been there a long time, longer than I've lived certainly, and I will be sad when it finally goes.
Turn right just before the red barn mailbox...

look down over the hill and you just might catch a glimpse of our house...(click on the photo to make it bigger so you can actually see the house in this mosiac of leaves)

and if you're lucky, Clyde the cat will greet you and lead the way to home.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Absoluely beautiful fall color! And to think it's right there where you live.

  2. Wow! your corner of the world IS beautiful right now. Lanny and I both think that this is the prettiest Fall that that we ever remember (in 60+ years). I'm sure it is due to the dry/drought year. We have had a couple of rains in the last week, Thank the Lord, so our leaves are coming down. Glad you are home, safe and sound . . . and I Thought! that was a kitty leading the way.

  3. How lucky you are to live in the midst of such loveliness. The autumn colours are just fabulous. Do you know who 'Joe' was? I'm sure there must be a story behind the name 'Joe's Run'.

  4. Beautiful fall pictures. You are lucky to be surrounded by all that color.
    The maple trees are my favorite! Their bright colors are wonderful.

  5. What beautiful pictures. I haven't been to the mountains to see the colors but thank you for sharing yours!

  6. We're heading to the mountains tomorrow - not the glorious WV mtns that I miss so much but the pretty Ozark mtns of Newton county Arkansas. It's the closest I can get to anything that reminds me of WV these days. The color is never as bright & bold here but when you're mtn deprived this will do.

  7. How I love looking at these pics and know exactly where they are. I used to walk from Belva's to the dam to fish. One pic I wish I got when I was down was right where the T is before the church looking down in the valley. So spiritual there. Thank You for these.


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