
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Havin' Fun in Dixie

We had such a good time during our visit to the school in Dixie, WV. It's a small school in a remote community with a big, wide-open heart.

Charleston was still pretty foggy as we passed through, and the fog followed us up the river towards Fayette county.

Once we got into the country, though, it was so pretty.

Old Glory was flying high over the school in the sunshine by the time the activities got underway.
Besides milking (I showed that "cow" in my earlier post) children could watch apple butter being made, listen to some good bluegrass music,

dancing of several kinds (the first pic is a boy with his grandfather, who calls himself the "Soggy Bottom Man from West Virginia"), and the second is the preschool class dancing with their teacher.

A beekeeper was there too, to explain all about the workings of a hive:
Best of all was a presentation by our friends Ron and Wendy Perrone of Three Rivers Raptor Center, with an excellent show featuring the wide variety of raptors they have rescued, along with information about how we can help these birds not get hurt (for example, don't even pour your pop can out along a highway. It dries, leaving sugar--and animals like sugar as much as we do).

Children and adults alike enjoyed this day of simple gifts. I know I was very glad to be part of their celebration of our way of life in these West Virginia hills.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Nice to see the beekeeper spreading his message/knowledge of bees! I am new to beekeeping, but will likely do it for life. Looks like a lot of great activities for the kids.

  2. This looked like a beautiful fall day and what a wide variety of activities presented. (I love The Soggy Bottom Man name! lol)
    I have enjoyed your travels this week . . .


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