
Friday, May 3, 2013

Random 5 Friday: Senses

I found A Rural Journal through Michelle at It's a Small Town Life, and thought it sounded like a good idea. My days are often filled with randomness, which I quite like; it suits me.

So here are my five random things, posted first on Facebook as separate posts at the end of yesterday's journey to pick up more things from the estate sale.

Overheard: "We used to live in a house, then we painted it blue and we sold it. One there was a snake in the dining room and we called Papaw and he came over and bonked it on the head and smooshed it and it was dead." Rose, who was 5 and knew what the Recyclable symbol on the bottom of her Wendy's cup meant.

Seen: a man discing a field with a team, horse and mule. We stopped and chatted. Pics and post coming soon on my blog. I love this state.

Touched: old oak washstand, well cared for, polished, and filled with Workbasket magazines, needles, photos, and tiny, cold metal tins of pins.

Smelled: the sweet scent of lilac and honeysuckle everywhere today as we traveled once again to Oak Hill. In my photo above, a lavender azalea blooms in the wild on a hillside overlooking the Kanawha River, evidence that a home once occupied that steep but lovely spot.

Taste: cold cold chardonnay after a day of hard labor, moving, lifting, loading and unloading furniture. Time to chill and fell good about today's work. One more load tomorrow, and we're done.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What a unique gift!
    I enjoy your gift of five senses.

  2. i love the imagine of lilac in my mind & nose - what a perfect thought. so lovely.

    glad you found the group. so love Nancy & Michelle. 2 awesome ladies. ( :

    have a great weekend.

  3. We need a scratch and sniff love the smell of Lilacs... Visiting from Random 5... Have a great weekend...

  4. Love this. Beautiful sights and scents! :). I've never been to West Virginia, but want to see it someday!

  5. Can't wait for my lilacs to start blooming so I can smell their aroma wafting through my bedroom windows!

  6. What a cool meme. I'll have to try this one sometime. Loved reading yours...


  7. Thank you, friends! I like the idea of a random five things as a post. Life can certainly be random, so it fits perfectly.


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