
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Vintage Thursday: Those Estate Sale Finds

Junk! And lots of it. We've hauled two big loads home so far, and have 2 or three to go, mostly of the better furniture and glass. It's hard to see much in these photos, and I have not yet unpacked any of the boxes and totes, but this may give some idea of what we've hauled home so far:

The truck can carry a lot of stuff, although it looked for a while like I might be riding on top of the pile. Better pictures later, as w unpack and sort.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Neat stuff, but I don't know where you put all that, Susanna. You're bringing it in and we're getting rid of stuff. I was so glad to see the garbage man this morning. We've been cleaning out our garage and there's actually room for a bird to fly through it now. I'll let you know when I have my yard sale in case you want to come. :o)

  2. I love the old fans like that one you got. I got one on ebay and it was cool...and kept me cool! I am sure you found some good treasures!

  3. I think I better come on over and help you sort all that. My. Wow. What a chore and an adventure : )


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