
Monday, June 10, 2013

A Fruitful Year?

More pics from this year's garden. I think this might be a fine year for fruit, if the weather cooperates.

What's under here? Cherries! I am hoping to keep the birds out and the cherries on.

 So far, so good:

 Peach trees are all loaded with fruit:

and the little plum tree, in its third year, has a few plums on it:

The grapes are so prolific I can see we'll be selling or giving away quite a few, if they continue to thrive:

The apple trees are full of young fruit too:

Not a fruit, but I think this cardinal posed for me:

We've picked basket after basket of strawberries; now the raspberries are ripening and the volunteer elderberry in my flowerbed is in bloom. Last year the derecho storm stripped and broke the elderberry and left it looking so forlorn, but it has recovered and may have some berries this year:

There are still so many things that could go wrong: blight, bugs, mold, windstorms, drought...but maybe this will be the year that fills the cellar and freezer with fruit? I can dream, anyway.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Everything looks so good, may Mother Nature continue to share her bounty with you.
    Miss my mom's elderberry pies.

  2. Fruit on the trees mean lots of yummy pies and jellies. Thanks for leaving the message checking in to see a post for me & how I'm doing. I've just had so many things going on that suck the energy out of me. We planted fruit trees last spring. I hope to plant a few cherry trees this year. Lara


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