
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Work Week News

I know I've been AWOL, but with good reason--make that reasons. Here's a few:

1. The Truck Hunt. That took almost two full days and still isn't really completed since we still have to pick up the truck and then get it licensed, registered, etc.

2. The Athens Antique Mall booth.
We spent another afternoon adding new items--and that means prep time at home as well, getting things ready to display. I think we still need to spend another afternoon getting it really stocked, and then it should be good for a while. The good news is we're sellin
g a lot of stuff there! I've priced things a little low for these opening days, to encourage buying and to get some good word-of-mouth, which is the best advertising of all.

3. Summer Reading:

I've been hard at work on it! Working on stories, planning my display and finalizing the actual program itself for this summer library programs.

This is going to be so much fun--lots of tales of lost treasures, stolen treasure, famous jewels, even a pirate and a Jack tale. The first presentation is Monday; then it will be home to review how it went and consider any changes I might want to make. As usual, I have about three hours of possible stories to tell for a 45-minute program. Ah me--so many stories, just begging to be told!

4. Gardens:

This is one started project--rebuilding a rock wall around the small garden. It's been on hold for a week or so but I hope we can get back to it this week.

We've been picking and picking strawberries. The cedar waxwings came again and obligingly ate almost all the mulberries, but did leave enough for us to pick and freeze for jam-making later on. Larry has been tilling and weedeating and mowing every spare moment, and when he's not doing that he's working on the log room or hauling stuff for me.

5. All the usual bits and pieces that make up life--our son invited us over for barbecued chicken and no one should ever, ever turn down his chicken. He's a total master at the grill. Then there's housework, mail, laundry, and of course a little junking mixed in on the side as time allows. We got really lucky and scored an old Radio Flyer stake-side wagon this week, along with an excellent horse-drawn plow, two nice little tables, about 30 old (1933-up) West Virginia license plates, a Jadeite mug and a child's Cupid and Venus mug made in the 1890's (that old pattern glass that I love), and lots of other things. My car got loaded and unloaded again over and over all week long.

6. Writing: I actually wrote three new poems this week; that makes me happy! And I okayed my advertisement for the National Storytelling Network Conference handbook and paid for my first ad in Two Lane Livin', along with concentrating on learning to use Twitter to increase my potential audience for storytelling. I also began experimenting with using my webcam, something I've meant to do since buying this computer three years ago.

7. The new phone:

learning curve! But I. Love. This. Phone. So easy to use, big screen, fast, fast, fast. I asked the sales girl what she carried and how she liked it--she loves her phone and I got one just like it. It's an LG Optimus G Pro. The photos are just amazing, and tonight I made my first video with it. Check it out:

That's been my week. I hope yours has been a good one too.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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