
Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Joy of June

Is there anything as sweet as a morning in June, scented by roses, lavender and honeysuckle?

Linking today to the Rurality Blog Hop. Drop by for a good dose of the beauty of country living.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I'm in love with your yard. I wish you could post the smell of your roses, lavender and honeysuckle. We are enjoying the aroma of mock orange and wild phlox. Do you have these in West Virginia?

  2. Simply beautiful!

    June always reminds me of my Uncle Whitey and the "pineys" (peonies) that he would pick for me.

    With Uncle Whitey, each season brought a special something that he would find for me. He always came bearing gifts of Nature. :)

    Hugs for a lovely day!
    The Goat Borrower

  3. Nancy, we do have wild phlox and mock orange! The phlox are not really plentiful on my road, and there are none here at the house. Mock orange grows in people's yards; I tried to transplant a bush years ago but didn't succeed. It is one of the sweetest of summer scents.

  4. Mimi, you uncle Whitey sounds like a lovely man. One of the things I love about my yard is taking little ones around it and letting them smell the various plants, especially the herbs. I don't think many children get to experience the amazing scents of plants, and they are so surprised when they discover them!

  5. Beautiful photograph, beautiful flowers, fantastic colours:) Greetings

  6. Nope, it doesn't get much sweeter than this...


  7. Peonies, to me, is always Decoration Day -- now Memorial Day. My folks loaded up the station wagon with cut flowers from the yard and the relatives' yards and all the 9 children and grandparents that we could squeeze into the car -- and then drive off to visit a half dozen cemeteries. We'd have sandwiches for lunch, in any of the cemeteries. I'd try to snuggle up close with my Gramma in the car. : )


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