
Friday, July 12, 2013

Athens Booth Update

Today was more booth work, mostly just adding some new things and doing a little rearranging. Without my roadie (husband) with me, there was no heavy work involved, thank goodness. Since I do not think I'll be able to get back to either place in the next few weeks, I wanted to be sure everything was well stocked.

Here's a look at some changes at the Athens booth:

I can't believe I didn't get a good photo of the dresser and mirror we added to the booth last week. We dropped it off on our way to buy my new van. I moved the lace shrug from Ravenswood, and picked up the cropped jacket just recently. I do believe it is made of sealskin; it's quite the vintage piece and has a stunning jeweled catch (that I also neglected to photograph). I think I've underpriced it, but then, I got it for a good price so I can pass on the good fortune to the next buyer.

In order to make space for the dresser, we took down the old ironing board and moved this big trunk into the center of the booth. It actually freed up space--the ironing board took up more room than you might think.

We added this sweet little table a couple weeks ago.  brought in the lamp and the funky gold and black planter today.

This is our second booth at Athens, or part of it anyway. Today I brought in two cutter quilts and the steel water cooler along with two amberina moon & stars goblets that found their way to this space. I also added that red Lucite apple and a few other small things here. Smalls, as items other than furniture or big pieces are called, are really the meat of antiques sales. Furniture takes time to move and takes a lot of space, while the smalls can bring in as much or more income in much less time.

I was told when I bought her that the pink glass lady is a Fenton piece, but my research is not backing that up. Anyone know? She's pretty anyway, but I like to label accurately.

Small tables priced under $20 seem to be good sellers so I have been keeping my eyes open for them. These two needed a little tightening up and rubbing down but they are both nice accent pieces now. I added the "jewelry lady" last week. I am a little leery about having jewelry displayed like this, but I thought I'd give it a try. If I lose pieces, I'll know it was a bad idea. So far, so good though.

This is the other cutter quilt I brought in today. Crafters like to use these for all kinds of projects. Both are handsewn and hand-quilted but they have some stains, a few holes and frayed edges. I actually just use quilts that are like these, but I have all I can store right now, so...
That's a quick tour of Athens. This new mall is filling up quickly and will probably have all spaces rented by the end of July. It's looking good in there; next time I visit I will take photos of the rest of the place. I hope the owner gets good signage out by the highway soon as this mall is not visible from the major highway close by and signs are needed to drive in traffic. That and some local ads would really bump up business. So far sales have been good and I think that with more promotion this mall could really be a big success. My job, though, is to bring in good stuff. And that is something I think I can keep doing.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Thanks for the views of your Athens booths. Hope the advertizing is in place soon, sounds like a good venue.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sometimes those small tables come in real handy. And for that price, I'd probably pick one up, too!


  4. Looking good. I've been considering getting into a booth locally, my hang up is I'm such a minimalist that I'm not sure that would be the best way to go.

  5. I love the pale blue cupboard with the doors on the top. So pretty.


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