
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Marietta Booth Update

Last of the booth updates! Marietta is looking good although sales are surprisingly slow for this time of year. Perhaps the hot weather is the reason; the mall is not air-conditioned but usually stays comfortable because it is old and massive, but even the best of buildings will heat up in the kind of weather we've had. My booths are right near a big fan which helps.

I added the old crate, water can and miner's dinner pail, trying to move away from  so much glass to more variety. I have to admit, though, glass attracts me like a moth to a flame.

This three legged chair is an unusual and very old piece of furniture. I have never seen one like it.

Crocks, Jadeite, rolling pins, sapphire-ware, and more in the "kitchen."

More vintage kitchen; these kinds of things are really my best sellers and I am constantly on the lookout for more.

This peachglow casserole is complete with the lid, warmer and even the guarantee paper inside. I don't think it was ever used.

We moved things around in this area; once a chest of drawers sold, we had a little more room. 

Heavy child's oak rocker, a small stepladder and a bookcase offer a better interior view of the booth than the former arrangement did.

Don't you love that retro clock? It still works too. Pyrex is still a good seller, particularly the casseroles with lids.

Three quilts currently in this booth; these are problematic as people seem to unfold them and then just toss them back anywhere. I did have them in the cedar chest but that didn't work well either. I need to find a better display method for them.

Looking into one of my booth areas.

Under the table is a good area to put large items like crocks and cookers.

Now, everything is ready and I think I can leave the booths alone for a couple weeks while I'm off storytelling. And maybe when I return, they'll be empty! I can dream, can't I?

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I love looking at your booth. The three legged chair is really neat. As for the quilts . . . keep an eye open for a large quilt rack. I have found during my vintage linen searches that linens with a place to hang are kept more in place than linens just placed in baskets or boxes. I guess people feel that they can just dump a quilt or something that's just sitting there, while something that's hanging needs rehung. Don't ask me why!! LOL.

  2. I like glass, too.

    I don't think I've ever seen a three-legged chair. It's cool!



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