
Monday, July 1, 2013

Bye-Bye, Rhonda

Last week was one of travel: first to the northern panhandle of West Virginia, then to my booth in Ravenswood to restock, then to Lost Creek on Thursday and Friday...well, that was a different story.

You remember Rhonda, my patient little Buick Rendezvous? She of the almost 200,000 miles with the dent in the back where Larry backed her into a state road truck while backing around a blind curve? The little SUV that has hauled loads of all sorts and sizes including cabinets, dressers, wheelbarrows, two-man crosscut saws, dishes, grandchildren, dogs, chickens, books, and even me?

Friday we were driving to Athens, OH to restock our booth there. There is a long stretch of road construction between Ripley and Ravenswood, and as we were passing through that area there cam an ominous noise from under the car and then she just would not go very fast at all. By revving the engine to high rpms Larry was able to get her through the construction zone and to a place where we could get off the road. Whew.

That was the end of the transmission--the one I had put in just 15 months ago when the first transmission burned up in Virginia while I was traveling. That time, it died in my sister's driveway. This time, we were only 15 miles or so from home. What good luck, really. We could have been somewhere in Ohio, or it could have gone out while we were on one of the many back roads we've traveled in the last week. So the wrecker came, the car is home and her journey is at an end. With so many miles on her, it's just not worth it to put another bunch of money in a transmission.

I am sad. I have loved my car that could go anywhere with her all-wheel-drive, that could carry cabinets and chairs, porch swings and chickens, dishes and windows and lumber, tools, grandchildren and friends, dogs, camping gear, garden plants and quilts...anything I wanted to put in her really.

She went through tunnels,

over mountains,

alongside rivers.

and sometimes across them,

through snow, rain and heat,

and sometimes just waited patiently for the next adventure.

I am so glad we bought the little red truck last week (already named Curt, for Cute Red Truck, as opposed to our old truck Burt, which is short for Big Ugly Red Truck). I am now on the lookout for another vehicle and this one will probably be a van of some sort. But Rhonda, dear thing, will be leaving for parts unknown as soon as we can get her cleaned out. Farewell, dear friend of thousands of miles and fun.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. It's always tough when we have to say goodbye to our four wheeled friends. I wish there was a book about what we name them and how. Always found it interesting.

  2. You're so incredibly kind-hearted. Writing about Rhonda is the last thing I expected from you, but I should know better that everything IS a story! I know how much you loved dear Rhonda and I also know that you'll miss her. Thanks for the entertaining saga of Rhonda...the little car that could, until she just couldn't anymore. You're awesome.

  3. Fond farewells are a harder part of life . . . good to celebrate the miles. I wish her well and wish you happy travels in your new chariot! ;-)


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