
Monday, July 1, 2013

Rain and Shine

Yes, Ma'am, it's storming again. Strange weather this past week, all thunder, lightning, pouring rains interspersed with sunny, humid periods and the occasional nice morning. It seems like summer is having trouble getting itself under control. I am grateful for so much rain on our gardens although I know it's a problem for many people as their ground is staying too wet to work. On our hill, the sandy soil drains quickly even with all the mulch and manure we've added to increase its water-holding ability, so rain is usually welcome. Tonight's show has been pretty spectacular, lots of noise and flashing lights--and torrential rain that might not be good even for our gardens. Morning light will show the results.

But this morning was perfect. Not too hot so our morning walk was comfortable, a nice change from the past few days. I got out to do a little weeding before noon and just enjoyed the colors and sounds around me. Birds are everywhere, thanks to the feeders. Hummingbirds zoom our heads and do their mating dances right in front of us, the shameless things. Cardinals, bluebirds, goldfinches, robins, blue jays, the occasional scarlet tanager and the usual titmice, nuthatches, wrens and chickadees share space at the feeders with woodpeckers and doves. On the driveway a mother turkey and her young crossed into the woods, paying little attention to me and across the way a deer picked its way through high grass. I was just happy to be there, listening and watching to the other inhabitants of this place.

I don't know about your garden, but my plants have a way of moving themselves around to where they think they like the soil or the exposure better. I don't mind; I just keep my eyes open in the spring for seedlings that have left home and taken up new residences. Most of the daylilies and lambs' ears planted themselves in their current locations, as has the feverfew and coneflowers.

This year we also have a volunteer sunflower in bloom and many younger ones growing fast, thanks to the birds scattering the seed we feed them.

July is being welcomed in by vibrant colors.
Ever noticed how the colors of the flowers of each season seem more intense as the year progresses? Spring is all yellow and pale blues and pinks; summer comes in with deep oranges, bright pinks, reds and deep blues, then fall brings burnt oranges, golds, yellows and dark reds.

I am loving my hydrangea this year. And surprise surprise! I planted a pink one next to it about 3 years ago and thought it had died out. But it's blooming this year!

The tomato plants have become bushes and we're getting a few ripe ones here and there. Larry is passionate about his tomatoes and is out there tying them up regularly. We're trying the epsom salts solution on the tomatoes and peppers this year. According to what I've read, mixing a tablespoon of epsom salts with water and using it to water the plants provides magnesium and makes for bigger fruits and healthier plants. It seems to be working so far.

Tomorrow I hope to do a little more weeding, and to spend more time just enjoying my gardens. Sometimes the work gets in the way of appreciating what we've worked so had to achieve, and I need to remind myself to slow down and just...enjoy. I hope you have time to do the same.

Copyright 2012 Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. wild flowers or plants that reseed do seem to move on, to sneak around the corner or down the block -- to a location that suits them better. I don't always know what seedlings to leave (not to pull) but I know the weeds and pull them. Here in Iowa In July, we are beginning to enjoy the fruits of our labors. Fresh onions out of the garden, and cukes now. Tomatoes are within 'wishing' distance. Peppers not far behind. We are in hog heaven, here, in Ioway. The sweet corn that we don't have room to grow in the garden will soon be available on many street corners, out of the back of a pickup.


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