
Monday, September 16, 2013

Applesauce Cake, Apple Cake, Cider Punch and More

It's that time of year! Apples are everywhere, and we sure have our share of them. Our trees are loaded with huge apples. We spent yesterday making gallons of applesauce and cider--I canned a few quarts of the sauce but the rest is for making apple butter next weekend. We have several bushels in the cellar, and the trees are still loaded.

It's wonderful to have so many apples; some years the frost gets them and we're out of luck. Right now we're eating applesauce for breakfast, apples for snacks and drinking apple cider! Tomatoes were the star of our table for two months, but since they've died out the apples have replaced them as the most abundantly available food in our garden.

I've had a few requests for my applesauce cake recipe, and realized that I blogged it several years ago. So those of you who are interested, here's where the recipe is:

Applesauce Cake Recipe

My friend Jo Ann posted a fresh apple cake recipes that I have had for years. It's delicious! Here's a link to her blog post with the recipe.

Making cider is easy, if you own a cider press. We bought our used about 5 years ago and it's been one of the best investments we've ever made. We made about 40 gallons last year, and this year already have made about 15 gallons, and there are many, many apples still on the trees. You can see how we make cider here.

The Cider Punch I make is a recipe given to me by my friend Suzy McGinley. It's quick and easy and kids love it:

Combine cider, orange juice and ginger ale to your taste. Add apples and oranges sliced crosswise and cinnamon sticks to float in the punch bowl for garnish. It's as easy to make as it sounds,very pretty, and delicious. 

You can read more about cider on this post written a while back.

And if you want to see how we make apple butter, read stories about apples and a lot more, check out this link.

I hope some of you will post your favorite recipes on your blogs. (Jo Ann, see what you started? Thank you for the inspiration!)

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Thanks for mentioning the Fresh Apple Cake Recipe - it is certainly a good fall recipe. I love all the apple things we have in the fall.

  2. My DH has always wanted a cider press but never actually got round to getting one:) I love apple cakes, have a recipe for German Apple Cake that I might try and post at some point. Haven't made it for years nor the apple streusel cake either. Hmmmm - maybe time I dug the recipes out!

  3. was just learning the other day that my SIL's father made applesauce and he would leave chunks of peaches in it. I have applesauce only a few times but this has got me to thinking . . . And oh my, the progress you and Larry make!


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