
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Morning Walk

We were late getting to our walk today. I decided to wait a little longer to let the pain in my legs and hips ease up as it usually does after a little while. We went down the road a couple miles today, to one of my favorite stretches of Joe's Run.

The little runs off of the hills were still running, due to all the rain we've had lately. The sweet sound of water mingled with the birdsong chorus in the treetops.

This rocky area fascinated me. Look at all the colors in the stone. I have seen that red and blue when they drill our well, but not on the surface before.

Somehow a little grap hyacinth found a home at the edge of the road. These aren't native, but he seemed to be doing well in his chosen habitat.

Wild wood anemones (Anemone nemorosa) are everywhere this year.

 Moss has been drawing my eye on our walks lately. One day maybe I'll learn the names of the various kinds.

A sturdy, twisted vine looked pretty cool too.

Moss and moss and moss.

A carpet of spring beauties and violets in the bottom ground.

Sycamore roots dipping their toes into the creek.

I meandered, splashed in the creek and got wet almost to my knees, while Larry looked for the wild morel mushrooms. He didn't find any but he managed to get wet too.

And we both came home contented and relaxed. There's nothing like a wander along a creek, is there?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What a beautiful place for a morning walk. I know what you mean about letting your joints ease up. Mine are good for telling when rain is coming.

  2. What a beautiful morning walk you had.
    Always wanted to have a knowledgeable person with me on walks to tell me all about the geology and the plants. Nature conservancy is having guided walks this spring, and I hope to get to go on one.

  3. Yes, there's nothing like a creek wander or any wander in nature! Thanks for the lovely pics! Happy Spring!

  4. Oh my goodness! I do believe your walks are on the same road my grandma and pa's homestead. Daniel and Belva Simons are passed on and my Aunt and Uncle now live on the land. It is an absolutely beautiful place to be and althought the spring and summer wildflowers are a sight to see, Autumn is always my favorite with all the colors.


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