
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Log Church

On our drive last Saturday, a sign along the road pointed the way to the "Historic Buffalo Log Church". I had been to the church before but Larry had never seen it, so we drove up the bumpy 3 miles to the top of a lonely ridge to find it again. (The road passes right by war hero Jessica Lynch's family home, but out of respect for the family's privacy I took no photos).

Note the two doors. One for men, one for women. The church was built between 1884-1886.

The logs are covered with clapboards, unfortunately, but there was a hole I tried to peek in to see the logs. 

By using the flash, I got a little bit of the logs, and a whole lot of orbs.

The church was locked, so I put the camera to a window and took this shot. Disappointing because the window is so dirty. But kinda spooky, all the same.

A small outbuilding on the property held lots of old boards. The necessary houses are behind it.

The cemetery held  graves dating back to the late 1880's.

The view from the church is beautiful, looking over miles and miles of ridges.

And finally, we headed back to the main road, glad to have spent some time here, to think about those hard-working people who built the church, farmed the land, lived and died and now rest in this lovely, lonely place.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Old churches and cemeteries fascinate me, so much history.

  2. Would like your take on the orbs?

    Very interesting church, and pretty cemetery!
    Loved the views!

  3. brig, they draw me too. And I leave with a peace and a wondering in my mind always.

  4. annie, about orbs: I believe they are just dust particles reflecting the camera's light. That said, dust is made by something, from the walls, the furniture, the people who pass through. So to me they are also the remains of what was, a sign that someone passed here, left something of themselves, a memory drifting in the space they occupied. If that makes any sense?


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