
Thursday, May 18, 2017

In the Gardens

I took my camera out to the gardens again, since Larry asked if I'd taken any of the vegetable garden. I hadn't, really, so here is where the garden is now.

Cabbages, behind the little carrots and beets in front.

A bit better view, with the red and green lettuce to the left and Romaine lettuce in front, then broccoli. Somehow I missed the red cabbages in these pics!

The peas are staked and we're looking forward to the answer to a ongoing dispute: will the vines fall downhill against the fence, or uphill? So they're staked both ways and we will see who is right!

The back row runs the length of this whole long, narrow garden, and it's the home of the new strawberry plants.

Looking from the opposite end, you can see the peas 'way up there at the end, and in the foreground is the tomato patch, with peppers scattered here and there, and onions along the front. There's a hill or two of yellow squash in here too.

We also planted a new blackberry patch this year. I don't know if we'll get any berries but I think this is a better location for them.

Not veggies, but these knockout roses border the patch so they deserved a photo too.

And in one of the flowerbeds, miniature roses are beginning to bloom. These tough little guys were 99-cent specials at the grocery store 22 or 3 years ago, and continue to survive and thrive. That's a volunteer cherry behind it.

The iris are almost done; they've been spectacular this year.

Columbine and pinks hide behind the iris and daylilies, and a coneflower found a home in teh middle of the iris.

I accidentally pulled up a young forsythia that had rooted from our large bush while I was weeding, so I moved it to a new location. So far it's doing well.

That's a look at some of the gardens. The potatoes are in a different patch so photos will come later, I hope. It's been a good growing year so far; prayers that it continues!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Your garden looks good. We only have a few things far.


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