
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Riverbend Booth Update

This is sure a busy time of year! The gardens are keeping up busy, and we're gearing up for our first-ever try at selling at the annual Ripley On Sale in our county seat. So I've been packing stuff, painting stuff, and getting ready for that 2-day event.

At the same time, I'm working on plans for summer storytelling programs and keeping up with our booths. Add in doctor's appointments--both of us seem to have a lot of those this month, nothing serious but time-consuming--and the routine things and it can get nuts. Yesterday, for example: we finished up the Sellers cabinet and I finished a couple smaller things. Then we loaded the van and went first to my doctor's appointment in Spencer, about 30 miles away. From there we went to our booth in Ravenswood (opposite direction from Spencer) and barely finished up before they closed. Then it was grocery shopping, feed store, drug store--and a stop for dinner and a rest before coming home to pack eBay sales. That's a pretty typical day for this month.

The booth is looking good, though. It was nice to be there when the dressing table I painted a couple months back was sold to a man passing through (with a big truck!) from North Carolina.

The yellow desk is also sold, on layaway, so it will be leaving the booth as well. And one of the oak dressers sold, so we had space in the booth for that Sellers cabinet.

Here's a few more of the changes we made yesterday.

We've had this dresser in the booth for a month or so, but I added those pretty ruby and prism lamps. We also moved the dresser to the place where the oak dresser was to give it more visibility.

It's hard to see, but the lavender footstool has a Paris stencil--and it opens for storage. So cute.

Added the milk can, and moved the table to a new location.

I brought this box in a week or two ago, I think. The egg sign is a transfer. The way those are done is to print in reverse a sign or picture, then put Modge Podge on it and lay it face down on the place where you want it. Let it dry, then wet it down good and rub and rub and rub and rub and rub...until the paper comes off but the design remains. I use glossy paper as it comes off a lot faster than regular paper.

We picked up this little table last week, and I couldn't wait to paint it. And it's already sold!

Fiesta Ware! I had some in the booth but picked up more last week, so I grouped it all together on one table.

This dish is older than it looks. It's pre-1900, made probably by Northwood or Dugan Glass. It has a pretty 3-part stem that doesn't show in this photo.

We need to go back over there today, to bring in a couple more things, so it's an ever-changing space.
Lots of work, but lots of fun too!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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