
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Bounty and Respite

The gardens continue to give and give and give.

 I am so grateful for this bounteous year.

Even the fruit trees have produced big crops, more than we can process. The deer and other wildings feast on dropped fruit every night.

Today I am freezing corn; tomorrow, we will start on applesauce. The jars and the cellar are filling fast. I've even dumped my old dried herbs and replaced with freshly dried ones.

Onions have been dried, others stored whole. The potatoes need to be dug and the beets await.

I can see the season slowly shifting; the trees seem to be giving a sigh as they release a few leaves; there is a distinct golden tinge to much of the roadside vegetation that isn't goldenrod or the other yellow wildflowers mingling with the blue chicory and other late summer wildflowers.

Afternoons are still hot, but mornings, evenings and nights cool enough that no air conditioning is needed. I do not like July; it seems like a month to simply endure. But August offers occasional respite and we can see the coming of cooler days. August has become one of my favorite months.

It is good to focus on such homey things as gardens, putting up food and weather in the wake of the weekends horrors and turbulence. We need a touchstone these days, a place to return to, to remember that all is not turmoil and anger and hate, and that there is still much good in this world.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Your bounty looks incredible. There is nothing like that fresh corn during the winter months. A favorite of mine!


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