
Monday, October 8, 2018

Traveling West Virginia: Lewisburg

A scheduled performance for a group at the Greenbrier Resort Sunday evening gave us the opportunity for a little exploring in an area of West Virginia we don't get to very often.

The Greenbrier is located in the southeastern part of the state, near Lewisburg. It's not really a long drive as we arrived in town in about 2 1/2 hours. That gave us time to relax and look around. A

We also had time to find another place we had heard about and wanted to see: the gravesite for 95 Confederate soldiers killed in the Battle of Lewisburg. The cemetery is in an out-of-the-way place and we were grateful for two kind ladies who gave us directions to the spot. What makes this cemetery unique is that the mass grave is arranged in the shape of the cross. Originally these men were buried on the campus of the old Greenbrier College, in a long trench, but were moved when the main route through town, US Route 60, was relocated. Some reports say that the bodies were "unceremoniously dumped" into the trench. It's a touching, sad place, but it was reassuring to see that this final resting place was being carefully tended.

A third place I wanted to see was the Old Stone Church, built in 1796. The church was used as a makeshift hospital during and after the battle; there are several Union graves in the surrounding cemetery. My reason for wanting to see the church was not about the war, however; there are two ghost stories I tell with connections to this church. More about that in a later post.

It was a satisfying afternoon, ending with a stop at the Irish Pub in the heart of town. I'd often heard about this place, so we were delighted to see it in person. As it happened, an Irish musician was playing when we got there--even better!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I've been to the old stone church but I didn't know about the Battle of Lewisburg cemetery.

    My mother worked at the Greenbriar when she was a young woman in the 1940's then again when I was a toddler in the 1960's so I've been there a few times. She talked about all the famous people she served when she worked as a roll girl in the 40's.

    Just south in Monroe county is where I'm from!

  2. Jenny, as I was waiting to be picked up and taken to the lodge where the event was, I saw many of the workers walking out to their cars--apparently it was shift change. For many of them, several members of the family work there. I think working there would be so fascinating--maybe even better than being a guest because I am always fascinated by the inner workings of places.

  3. Interesting day under blue skies! Are they trees turning? The Irish singer must have capped off the day.

  4. The trees are just beginning to turn, Nance. They were more so than here at home, and many were falling. It was a perfect day, one I will treasure in my memory.

  5. if you get a chance head about thirty miles to Sweet Springs Resort which hosted six presidents, has a long native american history and whose Jeffersonian design is being restored for eventual reopening.
    And stop by the Bookstore in Lewisburg, 104 S. Jefferson, around the corner from the Pub, and say hi to the resident poet, Robert Head.

    Safe travels home!

  6. I have always wanted to visit Sweet Springs. Maybe next trip down south!
