
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Writing Workshop on Ghost Stories Coming Soon



Pearl S. Buck Birthplace – Hillsboro, WVSaturday October 20, 2018 – 1:00 – 4:00 PMOn Saturday, October 20, 2018, the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace (located in Hillsboro, WV), with support from The Calvin W. Price Appalachian Enrichment Series, will host Beyond the Grave:A Ghost Stories Workshop for Tellers and Writers lead by professional storyteller, Susanna “Granny Sue” Holstein.  The workshop is open to the public (pre-registration is recommended but not required), all levels of writers and tellers are welcomed.  A $10.00 donation is suggested for attendance.  Light refreshments and drinks will be provided.  Please bring paper and pen.

Join professional storyteller Susanna “Granny Sue” Holstein for an in-depth workshop that delves into the process of creating a tellable, fully developed tale. Beginning storytellers, writers and those who simply want to bring life to a family legend will all find this workshop helpful, informative and inspiring.Stories and storytelling have been a part of West Virginia’s culture since the earliest pioneers crossed the Allegheny mountains. People told stories to while away the time during long winter evenings, or on the porch on hot summer days. Stories were a way to pass on family history, traditions, stories from the “old country,” and to teach children the accepted rules of behavior. Ofall the stories told in our state, the most prevalent is the ghost story. Often these tales are only snippets of memory or an anecdote. But what’s the rest of the story?

Writer, poet, professional storyteller, and ballad singer, Susanna Connelly Holstein, from Jackson County, WV, writes the online journal Granny Sue’s News and Reviews, the blog Mountain Poet. Her storytelling performances include Appalachian stories and ballads, family heritage and history, and tales from West Virginia’s weird and wonderful history.

Holstein’s work has appeared in the poetry anthology, Fed From the Blade and the short story collection, Diner Stories, both from Mountain State Press, and other online and print journals and anthologies. She was a founding member of the West Virginia Storytelling Guild and has performed and presented workshops at events from Bellingham, WA to Boston, MA. She holds aBS from West Virginia State College and MLIS from the University of South Carolina. When not writing or storytelling, she spends her time gardening, putting up food, and selling antiques.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sue. I know you are quite accomplished but when they roll it all up in place, it is an impressive resume!

  2. This sounds like a very worthwhile class and I truly wish I were closer so I could attend. Hope you have a full house and a fun time.

  3. Thank you, Nance. I was thinking the other day that I've told stories in most of the better-known historic sites in West Virginia. There's something in that that pleases me :)

    I wish you could come too, Rivercrest. Most families have a story of some odd happening that they would like to get written down. I hope to show them how to make it into a full story instead of just an incident or fragment of memory.


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