
Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Sometimes My Brain is Too Full

When that happens, I sit and stare at the keyboard without any idea how to write anything at all.

The past week was so busy I feel like I just want to stop and catch my breath. From planting some of the early garden to putting down some mulch to working on our booths at both locations to painting furniture, listing and packing ebay, taxes, and catching up on paperwork, it's been dawn to dusk work every day. How did I ever find time for a job? I ask myself that every day.

This I am slowing it down a little. Sunday I cooked a big breakfast of eggs, grits, sausage and toast, then went on to make peanut butter chocolate chip cookies to send home with aa good neighbor who came over to help Larry with something, and made a cheddar-potato-ham casserole for dinner. Then I got into a little furniture painting, but really barely got started.

Yesterday I worked on ebay and got back to my painting projects. I pretty much finished these three:

Ebay and painting are distractions, really, because my mind is filled with ideas and plans for upcoming programs and workshops these days. This week I added two more: a ballads program for an Ohio library, and a wildflowers folklore workshop for a state park.

Also on the calendar in the next 6 weeks are 2 poetry workshops (one for children, one for adults), another Celtic storytelling program, a Jack tales presentation, and a weekend of Appalachian stories, and Appalachian stories and ballads as part of a quilt and crankies exhibit where I'll be one of four storytellers presenting. So you can see why my mind is in a whirl--many plans and ideas are swirling up there.

And this June 23-29 I will be teaching a weeklong writing workshop for Allegheny Echoes. Plans are cooking in my head as I brainstorm, read, research and think about what this week will be.

Today was town day. Groceries to buy,  errands to run. Tomorrow will be a writing and paperwork day, and it will feel like a break after so much busyness.

I heard a man today telling another man, "When you retire, it won't take long for you to be bored, bored, bored."  I was astonished! I wanted to turn around and say, "It's not like that for everyone, believe me. You are only bored if you choose to be."  I felt grateful that for me, retirement has been some of the very best years of my life.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. A person with interests and the gumption to follow them doesn't get bored! Look at you 😉

  2. Wow, you are one busy lady!
    Love your paint jobs. I have kitchen chairs to paint, been procrastinating about get to them for some reason.

  3. I love your painted pieces!
    I, too, wonder how I ever had time for a job.

  4. You are one busy lady! By the way, where and when is your wildflower folklore workshop being held? I'm very interested.

  5. You sure get a lot done, even when your brain is "too full"! I am always impressed by how productive you are, Sue. I should take a leaf from your book!

  6. The only time I'm bored is when I have to wait somewhere and I wasn't prepared to do so.


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