
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Springing Spring

We were in the spirit of the new season yesterday, planting and working outside all day.

We planted the first sections of the garden: in the lower part of the photo we planted onions, beets, carrots and a few potatoes. The small mulched section where Larry is watering has a few cabbage and kale plants. There is cardboard under the mulch to block weeds and retain moisture. We'll go out this morning and cover this area with plastic as it is supposed to get right cold for the next two nights. These plants can handle cold but just to be safe we'll cover them.

Larry already had the electric fence working, but yesterday he also ran fishing line around the top and between the electric strands to further deter deer. We did that before and it worked well. Last year he just never got around to it and our late garden turned into deer food.

While he worked on fence, I spread mulch. I had 10 bags to spread but after 6 I was worn out. I have to lay my little garden fence on top of it for a while, to remind the dogs this isn't bedding for them!

More mulch--today's work.

This is the lettuce bed, under glass. It has come up very well!

Oddly, the radishes on the other end have not sprouted well at all. Still, there will be enough. White onions in the middle are showing the beginnings of tops now. The window will come off in a couple weeks, and we'll cover with chicken wire to keep the critters out. An ongoing challenge to raise food and get to eat what we grow.

Early daffodils are in bloom all over the place. I think these are my favorite flowers.

We ended the day at 5:45pm and lit the firepit (Larry had piled grapevine clippings on it, what a mess!) to welcome Spring at 5:58pm with a glass of wine.

I was more than ready for a good hot shower, I can tell you! Then we came inside for a small fire in the fireplace and the last of the Poldark series we've been watching. I think I'm well up on the story now in preparation for my trip to Cornwall this summer with my sisters.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. You are sooo far ahead of me, weather-wise! But it's probably just as well, as I have a backache every day from combing cashmere and it lasts all day - until I'm asleep. Gardening on top of combing would be too much!


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