
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Around Home

Things are still a bit taggy-looking from winter, and we still have a lot of mulching to do, but Spring is looking pretty nice so far.

This is the little redbud I grew from a seedling. It's about 15 years old now, maybe older. A seed sprouted right there, and I protected it from weedeaters and feet until it got big enough to fend for itself.

My little cherry tree was a Mother's Day gift, probably 7 years ago? It bears a nice crop every year.

Tulips coming on as daffodils fade. I don't have much luck with tulips but this year I have a few more blooming than usual.

Volunteer violets are everywhere.

The last of the daffodils, making a stand. 

The early lettuce onions are radishes are keeping us well supplied. I've made several salads already.

The horrible, terrible, invasive gill-over the ground has claimed this corner of one garden, so I am giving up and mowing it down this year. This was a pretty spot of lily-of-the-valley and periwinkle.

tiny hints of green in the garden--the onions are doing well, and the beets and carrots are up. Still no sign of the potatoes, though. I swear, I have better luck planting potatoes from the grocery store than I do with seed potatoes!

The bridal wreath spirea are in full bloom. They'll get a crewcut after blooming to bring them down to size a little. They're really huge.

The pear tree has finished blooming, and I think we might have pears this year as there was no frost on the blossoms.

My one red currant bush is in bloom too. Its flowers are green and hard to see.

Not the best photo, but can you see the lighter green flowers?

The cellar, sporting the new porch Larry added last year, It's nothing fancy, but handy.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. How nice that you have a productive cherry tree! I LOVE cherries :) And so many things blooming at your place already. The first bits of green are just barely poking up from the ground here, but with a few warm days I expect there will be a wave of new life - including black flies :(
    I confess I have a soft spot for gill over the ground, as it reminds me of being at my Grammy's house, when I was a very little girl. I don't have many such memories, so I treasure them. Our personal associations have so much to do with our perceptions throughout our lives, don't they?
    Hope you are feeling tip-top again, Sue!

  2. The deer killed the little redbud tree that sprouted in my flower garden. I was so excited when I thought a redbud was going to grow close to the house. I've never had any luck with tulips, but gill over the ground does well here ;-) Your place looks beautiful!!

  3. Everything looks so lovely around your place, Susanna! I love everything in bloom right now!!! I used to have three big bridal wreath bushes at my first little home in Nitro years ago; they were always so pretty when they bloomed. I really love the wooden washing machine! I don't think I have ever seen one. You will have to share more about it and especially when you get it up and running. Hope you have a blessed and beautiful weekend! (((Hugs)))

  4. Hi Charlotte, nice to see you back! Thanks for the comment. As you know it takes a lot of work to keep a place looking decent, but the rewards are immediate!


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