
Friday, April 12, 2019


A few weeks ago I was bragging about not having a cold or the flue or even a virus for almost 2 years. I jinxed myself!

The past few days have been a misery, all the usual head cold/cough/congestion issues. Ugh.

So I've been taking the meds, resting a little, and keeping busy with the smaller things I can accomplish with minimal effort. Like pricing things for the booths, a little ebay, clutter cleanup, things like that. I was just beginning to feel bad the day of my last performance (Tuesday) and thankfully got through it okay. Here's a few photos taken by friends:

This one is my partner in the Celtic program, Judi Tarowsky, with her Mari Lwyd costume, which is from the Welsh tradition.

This event was held at the Serenity Coffeehouse in Vienna, WV. We had a nice crowd and the progam went very well.

So here's to feeling better soon. I'm on day 4 now, so probably 3 more to go before I return to the human race. At least I can sit on the porch and just admire the coming of spring without feeling guilty about it!

I hope all of you are well and have avoided this crud.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Be well. Seems like it is never to late in the season to catch a bad cold.

  2. I hope you feel better soon, Sue! At least you've got Spring to cheer you. I think colds in cold weather kind of add insult to injury.
    And here I was just telling Tipper about Father John's Medicine...I don't think it's made anymore but the two key ingredients were cod liver oil and licorice, and believe it or not, it didn't taste bad at all. Just in case you feel like experimenting ;)

  3. Oh, a Spring cold is such a rotter! I do hope you get well soon. -Jenn


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