
Monday, June 17, 2019

Garden Time

We have had rain and rain and rain and about a wet spring.
My herb planters are thriving with all this rain.

Plenty of high winds too, more than I can ever remember. I also do not remember so many trees falling, except during extreme events like the derecho a few years ago, or the random tornado that ripped through about 2 miles from us.
Catching rainwater is no problem these days! The deck seriously needs to be painted but there has been little opportunity between rain and travel.
The gardens are doing okay so far, but the constant rain is washing away soil nutrients. The squash is blooming but not setting fruit.We're going to have to fertilize, something we don't usually have to do as the manure and mulch we add are usually enough, with perhaps a little blood meal, wood ash and bone meal added.

The peas did nothing--too much rain and the place I planted them stayed too wet. So yesterday Larry pulled them out and planted water-loving cucumbers in their place.

The good news is that we are getting some fresh veggies despite the weather. Yesterday we harvested our first new potatoes, a cabbage, dill, and green onions. So dinner was a real treat--salmon with dill sauce, new cabbage and new potatoes, these last two simply boiled with butter and salt and pepper.

Since it was Father's Day, I made a cake too--chocolate layer cake with cream cheese icing and raspberry sauce made with our raspberry. It's been a year, I think, since I last made a cake like this, and it was delicious.

It was good to be in the kitchen cooking. The last week was one of those hit-and-miss weeks. I made meatloaf which lasted, as usual, for several meals, but my mind and heart were not in the kitchen because I had so many storytelling projects lined up for the week and my brain was just busy. This week I am working on next week's weeklong writing workshop, along with trying to get a few painting projects done. Cooking may be back-burnered again. We'll see.

Here's my recipe for the fresh dill sauce. I looked online but almost all the recipes I found used lots of garlic, sour cream and mayonnaise--which seems to me, besides being high calorie, would mask the flavor of the dill. So I opted for something simpler, and the dill flavor really shone through. It's really a basic white sauce.

1/2 stick butter, melted.
2 good-sized green onions, chopped small.
Saute' the onions in the melted butter.

Then add:
2 TBSP corn starch.
Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens.

Add slowly, stirring all the while:
1 cup of milk
Cook until thick, stirring occasionally. Bring to a boil and boil one minute.
(if it's too thick, add more milk, or water--I used water, to thin it down)

Stir in:
1/4-1/2 cup of finely chopped fresh dill.
salt and pepper to taste.

You may need to add more liquid as the sauce cools, if it thickens too much.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. That's the kind of rain we had here last year - drowned out many of my first plantings, and what survived was leggy and desperate for sun. I ended up eventually getting plenty of pole beans and winter squash, but the plants really looked like they were struggling right up to autumn!

  2. Our weather has been strange here in KY. Whatever I can't grow, I get from the Amish, thank goodness.

  3. Michelle and Quinn, at the workshop with scientists and climate activists Saturday, everyone noted the extremes we have been having in recent years. It's certainly unsettling.

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