
Monday, July 1, 2019

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jig

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit!

It's the first of the month, so be sure to make your good-luck wish by saying rabbit three times.

I'm home at last after 9 days away. During those days I told stories at the West Virginia State Folk Festival and taught a week of creative writing in the high hills of Pocahontast county. It was a splendiforous time--being with friends old and new, writing and talking about writing, singing, campfires, music, the beautiful Geenbrier River, deep nights with many stars, late nights of music and could hardly get any better.

I didn't take as many as usual, because I was so busy living it all that I didn't take time to step away and record it. Which is okay too, right?

A porchful of poets:

One of the many music jams that happened every day (and often far into the night):

Another jam:

One of my students was thrilled to see WRITER beside her name on the roster for the student concert:

The crowd gathering at the Opera House for the student concert. There is also a full house for this event:

One of the fiddle classes: there are classes for beginning, intermediate and advanced levels, Students of all ages take the class together.

One of my students reading a poem he completed during the week. We did some storytelling along with writing, which turned out to be a good mix.

Storyteller Larry Staats was in my writing class. Here he shares a story during the student concert.

Another of my students, reading a poem she wrote during the week:

Hard at work in the classroom. We had a total of 15 students for the week.

Some views that surround visitors to Pocahontas county:

So, back to normal life today: unpacking, doing laundry and getting things ready for the upcoming antique and flea market!

(But truth to tell, I'd rather still be writing and listening to music in the mountains.)
Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sounds like you had a great time! Hope some of that energy stays with you back home, despite the laundry ;)

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  3. I don't blame you one bit for wanting to stay. Thanks for sharing a part of the journey.

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