
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Booth Work

34 degrees at 8am, and overcast. No rain yesterday, just a few light snow flurries. Today promises more of the same. Seems like we're stuck in a weather rut. Literally--it's getting miserably muddy outdoors, no avoiding it these days.

I've been working on a few things in my Ravenswood booths this week. I generally only visit my booths every other week, but I have been in Ravenswood the past two days to paint the buffet that has sat for 3 years, and made a few other change-ups while I was there.

The Pyrex sales seem to have slowed a little, but certain patterns--like the pink "gooseberry"--are still hot items.

Anyone need a suitcase? I seem to have several right now! I really like those old brown ones. I often see them in the movies, and there are two things I can tell right off: first, those suitcases in the movies are empty! I know that because these are no lightweights, and full of clothes--those actors would not be nonchalantly swinging them around. Second, they are usually carrying them wrong. If you look closely, you can see that the handle is not in the center. That's to make carrying them easier. The side where the handle is should be the side closest to the body. See if they have it right next time you watch a movie and spot one of these old cases. The cases aren't usually square, although the one in the center of my stack actually is. They have a slight angle, again to make carrying easier.

The little blue case you see in the photos holds 45rpm records on a spindle inside. This one is full of gospel, some old country and early rock, as I recall.

I came upon a nice lot of Fire-King Sapphire Blue Philbe glass bakeware recently. I have several pieces that I use often. It doesn't show in the photo but these are a pale blue with a pretty design. I believe these were from the 1940's-50's.

Pretty Pyrex. Although I don't use or collect it, I am always looking for it!

Here is the buffet I am painting. I use bed risers to put pieces I'm working on "up on blocks" so to speak. Makes it a lot easier on my back.

And here is a "before' photo. We had absolutely zero bites on this one, so painting is the next option. I cringed putting the brush to it, but if it means getting it to a new home, then that's what I have to do. I ordered new crystal knobs for it, and we will drill holes to put them on the drawers as well. I had hoped that someone into mid-century modern style would like it as it was, but now it's time to go in a new direction with it. My goal is to give it a farmhouse look that is so popular these days.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. So much neat stuff! I'm not familiar with Fire-King Sapphire Blue bakeware, but the pots and pans I use every day are either Pyrex amber (my big pots and kettles) or the small blue Pyrex ones with detachable handles, which I recently learned came out in the 30s! I don't know how long Pyrex made them, but maybe you do :)

  2. I bake with glass, but have never cooked on the stovetop with it. I see it occasionally for sale and have wondered how it would be to use.

  3. I like my ice blue fire king and pyrex bowls and lids. If only i had room for more!


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