
Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Moonshine Letter

33 this morning and light snow that ended after a few hours.

I thought I'd share this odd thing with you all. About 10 years ago I bought a book at a library book sale, and some papers fell out. They were typewritten, and I just glanced at them on the way to the trash can.

And what do you know---they were pages of a letter that apparently was giving instructions on making moonshine. I had the last two pages of the letter, so I don't know how many pages were missing, but boy I sure wish I had them because just these two pages are pretty entertaining.

Typed on what we used to call onion-skin paper, and with a real, probably manual, typewriter, so I would guess this letter was written around 1950 or so? The cartoon sketch on the second page is  an original pencil sketch.

Can you imagine getting a letter like this? Now I can't even remember what book it was in, but I would have loved to know the two people on either end of this missive. I assume they were men, but who knows.

I was sorting and dusting books and notebooks on my West Virginia bookshelves when I came across this letter this morning. Made me smile all over again.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Speaking of Moonshine... Have you seen the program on tv, about Moonshiners?

    If it is still against the law, and it seems to be so.... How can they do a program, detailing these men's moonshine business? -smile-

    💖 💖 💖

    1. Exactly. I have seen bits of the program and it's just Hollywood hype, not realistic at all. I have known a few moonshine makers, and believe me they wouldn't be on TV! And besides, it's perfectly legal at least in WV to make shine, as long as you don't sell it. Or you can get licensing to run a distillery. I think the show, like many of those "survival" shows, are just feeding some people's dreams of being rebels and/or chucking society.

  2. Thanks for finding and sharing treasures.
    When I taught in Jamaica, someone referred to the pretty moon's light as "moonshine." My friends laughed so hard when I told them what it means in the U.S.. My daddy's story --

    1. Mary lol
      'twixt sunshine an’ MOONSHINE'
      I enjoyed your tale!


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