
Monday, February 3, 2020

The Sunshine Returns

45, breezy and the promise of another sunny day this morning, which held true for most of the day. Sunday was a beautiful day, light jacket weather. Tonight and tomorrow--rain in the forecast. But this break has been lovely.

We had a beautiful sunset yesterday. Larry went fishing--he so rarely goes, so how could I insist he stay here with me, to keep me from brooding? I find that for me the best antidote and deterrent to sadness is work, so I went to my booths at Ravenswood and worked all afternoon. It was nice to be there, talking to people and tweaking my displays.  I came home and worked late into the night, falling into bed when I was finally dead tired. A hard day got through safely, again.

I snapped a few phone photos of the sunset on my way home. It's been so long since we've had such rich color in the sky in the evening. Here are the best ones. My phone is old and in bad need of replacement, which I mean to do as soon as I remember to do it.

The pond at the end of Joe's Run

The watershed "lake" on Joe's Run

And up on our ridge, almost home:

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I have the same way of dealing with sadness and grief - work hard (when I can), do something, make something, and if I can do nothing else: learn something.
    So sorry for your loss. Some are just harder than others, and I know this is one.

  2. Such beautiful photos. I am glad that you both found your own ways to move forward with your grief, blessings to you at this difficult time.


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