
Tuesday, February 4, 2020


50 at 8am, showering. Yesterday was so nice, we had coffee on the porch, lunch on the deck and wine by the firepit.

We worked in between all that, of course! I packed ebay sales, listed a few blankets, entered receipts for taxes, and painted furniture. Larry worked on another high-wheel cultivator, and pruned apple trees. We talked about getting the lettuce bed ready, so he may dig it over soon and burn some brush on it to kill off weed seeds. I ordered some seeds (purple bush beans and leeks), some asparagus roots, and two fruit trees (peach and pear).

Today is poetry meeting, so a day off for me, at least from the usual chores. This morning I am thinking about what to bring to the meeting--something of mine that needs work. (Well, all of mine needs work!) And maybe something to read.

My youngest son called last night. Apparently his 13-year-old daughter had a reaction to eating crab meat. This was the first time she'd had it, but it is not unusual for this allergy to show up in the early teens. Larry has the same shellfish allergy, but didn't know it until he was in his 40's because he'd never eaten shellfish before then. It's certainly not one to play around with.

It's supposed to rain pretty much all day, so Larry will be housebound, working on a few furniture projects while I go to the poetry group. I almost feel guilty leaving him alone to work. Almost. Knowing him, he will be outside anyway. The man cannot stay indoors all day, simple as that.

Have a good day, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I hope your granddaughter is okay!

  2. Yes, she's fine, Quinn. They went immediately to the emergency room since they had no idea what was going on. I mailed them some Benadryl to keep on hand. They will be watchful now that they know she's allergic. Thanks for asking!

  3. One of our grand daughters "developed" an allergy to sea food, in teens, also. She has to carry an Epi (spelling?) pen, in case she accidentally eats it.

    But when she was tested for allergy, the test came back negative.

    Makes me suspect my allergy testing!

    🌱 😊 🌱

  4. Glad to hear that your granddaughter is ok, it is really scary when these things happen. We are so fortunate to have the help we need when we require it.

  5. Wow!! I've heard that shellfish allergies come on suddenly. I'm glad she's okay.


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