
Friday, April 3, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 20: Furniture Projects

46 this morning, a perfect spring morning. The only thing missing was me. I seem to have caught a cold or sinus thingie and am dragging about these days. I slept in after a restless night. No worries, it's not the virus! I've had this for several weeks, just sinus-y and a little cough from the post-nasal drip. TMI, I know. I finally broke down and took a DayQuil this morning, so perhaps that will help. That and plenty of tea! Between the ongoing arrhythmia and a cold, I am certainly not feeling my usual self.

So even though yesterday was also a pretty day, I stayed inside. The air was chilly even with the sun shining. I worked on a few writing things, caught up the laundry, made some scones and painted furniture. All of it done at a snail's pace.But still, it's progress.

I have four chairs to paint--the one on the right is finished, the one on the left needs to be distressed and waxed. The little stool is finished, and the wicker table in the background is almost done.

These pieces are pretty much done and waiting to go to a booth. I may have to re-visit the base of the cabinet on the left--the white is too perfect and glaring, so I think I'll do some gray and then distress. The secretary in the back with the mirror is done, thank goodness. It certainly gave me fits. The listtle stand in front was once a sewing machine cabinet. We took out the part that held the machine, then put the lid back on and screwed it down for the top. 

This is inside the little sewing cabinet.

We left the spool holders and the rack on the door of the sewing cabinet, just need to clean it up. Dusty!

I really like the way the fold-down desktop on the secretary came out--the paint crackled for some reason and I left it like that.

Larry fixed up this small kitchen cabinet. The door needed the hinge fixed, and the whole thing needed cleaned, sanded and painted. It's metal, nice for the kitchen or laundry room.

Working on this sign. The color of the wording doesn't stand out enough. Hmmmm....what to do?

This morning I've been canceling all my summer performances. I hate to do it, but I think that for this year I am going to take the summer off and let this virus thing play out. The less time in public, the better. It has been years--at least 35-40--since I have not worked in the summer at an outside job, so I think I will actually enjoy this break. We will keep working at our booths, of course, picking slow times to go in. But for this summer, storytelling is on hold.

I've managed three days of poems for NaPoWriMo so far, only 27 to go! You can read today's installment here.  I never thought I'd be writing about a skink, but life is funny like that.

(Had to go through and re-number these posts--seems I repeated a couple!)

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Loved your poem for the day. Exactly the way we all feel, I think. Waiting, waiting, and waiting.

    I hope you feel better. Scary, nowadays, to have the least sniffle.

  2. Good for cancelling.....

    And rest, and get your health back. Don't over do... It's important. -smile-

    💧🌷🌱 💦🌱🌷💧


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