
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 21: Garden Time

46 again this morning, a glorious day.

I felt well enough to plant the garden this morning, so that little job is out of the way. Onions, carrots, beets, lettuce, kale and peas are in the ground. Potatoes will wait for the waning moon, and the cabbage has to wait for the plants to get bigger. But I'm happy with what we put out today.

I harvested a few herbs too. My plants made it through the winter for a change, a lucky thing since who knows if I'll be able to get plants this year. Parsley, oregano, sage and thyme are hung to dry on an old drying rack we got from a house being torn down 40 years ago.

My little greenhouse came yesterday and we put it together and moved the seedlings into their new home. This one will do for this year. Next year I might buy another just like it and have two. Or maybe I'll do that this year if I need more space.

weird angles in this photo. I promise the house isn't that crooked!

It's so good to get outside and enjoy the sun and the warmth. Even though our hives died out last year, there are honeybees everywhere. We can't help wondering if one of our hives might have swarmed when we weren't home, and found a place in a hollow tree nearby.

Yesterday's dinner was more foraged food: fried morel mushrooms, potatoes with ramps and creasy greens. Also a bit of ham from the hog Larry helped butcher in January. Today I'm making comfort food--macaroni and cheese with the leftover ham added, and the first green salad from the garden. We looked for asparagus but found only one stalk. More can't be far behind.

Since I was harvesting parsley, sage and thyme today, here's one version of the beautiful old ballad:

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Lovely to listen to Celia Pavey. Thank you Sue. Good idea to get the little greenhouse for your seedlings. We have sunshine this afternoon and I am going out for a walk in a bit.
    Hugs and keep well.

    1. We'll see how it works out, Joy. I'm worried over how it will withstand wind. We shall see!

  2. Hope you are finally on the mend Sue.
    I am not familiar with a drying rack. Are there several arms that swivel out? Is it attached to the wall? It snowed and iced here yesterday but I think now it will warm up and straighten out.

    1. It seems to be a slow process, Nance. Larry took a long while to get over it, so I know what to expect. But every day, yes, improvement. The drying rack is attached to the wall, as you thought, with arms that swing out when I want to use it. This one is large and we used it in place of the top trim on the window. I have a smaller one in the kitchen that is mounted on the wall--I use it for kitchen towels and the little buckets that we use for every sort of thing.

  3. I planted a few cool season things in my flower bed this past week. I'm hoping the squirrels won't find anything since I haven't grown vegetables in a few years.

    I plan to plant tomatoes in my perennial bed behind my datura. I do so hope it keeps them well hidden.

    1. I may have to start some flowers too, Jenny, if I'm to have any annuals this year. It's a puzzle what to do. I'll be ordering a few herb seeds this week, and then dig up a new patch to grow them in.

  4. Hey, I've got a mini-greenhouse exactly like that which I shall be putting some plants in shortly; they are cluttering up every windowsill in the house at the moment. There's a different version of Scarborough Fair by Robin and Barry Dransfield (which you can find on YouTube) which I've always liked - though no use to you as it has no parsley, sage, rosemary or thyme in it!

    1. Great minds, you know! I'm heading outside to transplant them into individual pots today. I'd like to find that version of the song. I know I've heard others, and that they varied significantly from the usual one we hear.

  5. I really love that song!! Thanks for sharing. Also, your greenhouse looks good. Where did you get it? I'm thinking of starting plants, too, if I'm not too late.

  6. i got it on ebay, Judy, it was about $33 and came very quickly. You have plenty of time to start plants, I think. I also ordered seed starter soil online (amazon for that, but ebay has it too) and potting soil on ebay. And little 4" plastic pots on ebay are inexpensive, about $7 for 25. I ordered a second greenhouse yesterday as this one is already full and I'm only halfway through re-potting my seedlings. It holds about 100 4" pots. As usual I will end up with far more plants than I need, if they all do well.


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