
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 254: Christmas Lights and Flowers

36 this morning, with a heavy frost. A nice day, 60 degrees by afternoon. Sunny, but clouds arrived in the late afternoon, and rain is expected tonight.

Since bad weather--including the possibility of snow--is in the forecast for the next few days, we decided to go ahead and get the Christmas lights up, and the rest of the decorations inside. I can work on those this week while it "weathers" outside.

The calendulas are still in bloom, surprisingly, so I picked most of them and brought them in to make bouquets. I also picked some chamomile and some parsley, both of which are thriving right now. I expect the cold this week will change all that.

It was so odd to pick flowers while putting up Christmas lights. I cannot remember ever doing that before. I mean, December is just around the corner! I guess it's just another oddness of this very odd year. 

The lights do look odd from this angle! I'll have to get a better photo tomorrow.

This little plastic house is one of my favorite decorations. I think it's from the 50's or thereabouts.

We got most of the lights up; over the years we've simplified what we do so it's a lot easier than the days when we'd outline the whole roof with lights. I like it just as well. It's cheering to see the place all lit up, and I am looking forward to doing the decorating in the house too. I think, though, I'll be downsizing it a bit. I mean, 6 totes of decorations! Rather a lot for this small house.

Another odd thing for this year: seed catalogs arriving in November. Usually it was just at Christmas when they came in the mail, but I've had 3 or 4 already. And a friend said that when she went to order some things were already sold out. So I will be getting my orders in soon. With so many people back into gardening, it's making things a bit more competitive. My son tried to find jar lids for the apple butter last week and had no luck at all. Fortunately I'm still pretty well stocked up. But the half-pint jars are scarce as hen's teeth. I was looking for some to make a few things for Christmas gifts, and ended up getting them on Amazon, and they were not cheap.

So here I am, still picking flowers and with a few tomatoes still ripening on the windowsill and a few of our little pear tomatoes in a bowl, and looking at seed catalogs for next year. Can this year get any stranger? Wait...don't answer that.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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