
Saturday, November 28, 2020

CovidJournal, Day 253: Sad

40 this morning, but the sun is out and the day is quickly warming up.

I am so sad to learn of the death of blogger and virtual friend Jo Ann Bayne, who wrote the blog Scene Through My Eyes. A stroke led to deteriorating health, and she passed away 2 weeks ago.

I met Jo Ann through this blog. We never met in person since she lived on the western coast of Washington state. She commented here, probably 10 years or more ago, and we messaged back and forth sometimes. I asked her once if she by any chance had relatives in West Virginia, because I worked with a young librarian whose last name was Bayne. Surprise of surprises, my co-worker was Jo Ann's daughter-in-law. What a very small world this can be.

Jo Ann enjoyed many of the same things I do--cooking, gardening, nature, photography, and she loved to decorate her pretty home. I had hopes of meeting her one day when she came here to West Virginia to visit her grandchildren. Covid and her failing health prevented her traveling this year, and now Jo Ann is gone. 

People think this virtual world is all fluff and surface friendships, but those of us who blog and follow each other's lives know differently, and our hearts hurt when one of our number passes on. I will miss Jo Ann's happy words as she described her life and projects, and I will miss her beautiful photography. 

The world is a less warm place for her passing.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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