
Friday, April 30, 2021

Work, Work, Work

54, clear after a day of heavy rain and showers. The heat, thank goodness, has broken.

Since it rained all day yesterday, we spent the day mainly on furniture projects, and I of course mixed in some eBay work. 

It was one of those frustrating days. You know the kind? When everything you touch seems to be more work than it should be, or just doesn't go right? That kind of day, at least for me. Larry worked along smoothly, thank goodness, getting some metal chairs cleaned up and ready to paint, and fixing the issues I kept running into.

There's this one cabinet, you see.  The one we should never have bought because it needed so much work. 

The cabinet, after many, many repairs. Almost ready to go at last.

In progress. The shelves are out, being polyurethaned. 

Like a new back, new shelves, veneer removed, bracing added. It was a shell of its former self, but what was left was so pretty, and I really thought we could fix it. Such optimism.

Larry did repairs, and I began to paint. And ran into one problem after another. A trim piece needed to be replaced. The body putty work he'd done on the side was not good enough. He redid it, twice. It still looked bad so he sanded it off entirely and removed the veneer. The new shelves weren't right. Well, you get the picture. Frustration after frustration. 

Then there was the piano bench. This will be quick, I said. Strip the top and stain it, paint the base and done. But no. The old finish was a bear to remove, some would not come off, there were flecks of white paint that wouldn't come off without sanding through the veneer. So after much work, I just painted the top too. And now the mahogany veneer is bleeding through with pink in some places. 

So I will have to sand, shellac, and re-paint. And it's not even a great piece, just a simple bench that I thought I could get done and sell reasonably. 

After all that, eBay should have been easy, but even there...I got out a set of 8 plates to ship, dropped one and broke it. So there went that sale. Fortunately, the rest of my eBay work went smoothly, I got quite a few listings done and three packages packed and ready to go this morning. 

The good thing about such days is that, unlike a regular job, I can just stop and regroup, move on to something else, take a break, or even just look outside and realize how fortunate I am to live where I do, doing things that I usually enjoy. 

The view from the workroom.

Yesterday was a day of many breaks, tea or coffee on the porch, doing a word puzzle, etc. The cabinet is almost done--it won't be our best work, but it will be okay, the piano bench will have to wait while I think about what to do with it, and two little tables are ready to go. 

So in the end, all was almost well. That's good enough for me. And then, there's this cool dresser waiting for me. Surely it will go smoothly? Fingers crossed.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. To me, the work you both do on the furniture is a lot of work! I might have just given up! We have had the same rains, yesterday. Will spend my weekend doing more garden prep work. Stay well.

    1. We usually enjoy the work, it's more pleasure than work actually. Maybe it was the weather? Our gardens are so soggy, it will be a few more days before we can get in them. You stay well too, Michelle.

  2. Sounds like a frustrating day but in the end everything will be alright. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you, Bill. And you're right. In the end, it will all be fine.

  3. I sure don't know if it's in the stars, the weather, or just coincidence...but yesterday it was as if my hands weren't really working right. I am so grateful that the 2 liter bottle of rootbeer that I dropped from the high shelf in the refrigerator to the floor didn't explode. And when an hour later I finally opened it, it didn't foam all over the place. Other droppings and stumblings just seemed to be the rule of the day. Whew. You all seem to have survived for another day also.

    1. You made me laugh, Barbara. It is good to know we weren't alone in our travails yesterday.

  4. I and my daughters call that a Backwards Day. One step forward, 2 back.

  5. That's the perfect name for it. By the end of the day, though, things were looking better. And today was lovely. Thank goodness. Two of those days in a row would have done me in.

  6. I know that kind of day all too well. I have a hard time throwing in the towel on a project when I've already invested what feels like a lot of time and effort, but in retrospect sometimes it was the energy equivalent of "throwing good money after bad!" I'm glad your day ended up on a positive note though. The way a day begins and the way it ends are so important, I think.


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