
Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Pay-Off

I started writing this yesterday, but never finished. So just posting it today anyway. Today started out at 50 degrees, and got warmer all day. Son Derek's 49th birthday today, May 2nd. How quickly half a century can go.

May 1

42 this morning, chilly but a nice day ahead.

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, y'all! And get out there and wash your face in the dew, for it's May and all the world's a-bourning.

Now, superstitions out of the way on this beautiful day, here's the pay-off from the frustration of the day before: new stuff in our booths. Sales have been very good this year, so good in fact that we're expanding at this location. We brought in new things and moved things around to fill empty spots yesterday, so the booths look fresh again.

I finished this table last month, but didn't have it in a very visible location, so I'm hoping a move will help it get a new home.

This one was a project this week. I love this color, one I mixed up from some paints I had on hand. Will I ever be able to duplicate it?

Changed up the table setting from yellows and greens to blue and white.

I added the mushroom canisters last week. They were a lucky yard sale find.

I'm always adding or changing up the stuff on the wall. Added the graniteware this week.

And re-did the staging on this corner, adding a few new items.

Another change in staging here. The red chair was new to the booth last week.

I almost had the old washer sold while I was there Friday, but the man couldn't fit it in his truck. Darn. But I'm not too unhappy, as I have an attachment to it that goes back to the late 70's. The milk can and cart were new adds this week.

And so is this sweet little table. It only needed the top sanded back to natural wood, then distressing the rest, and dark wax. Priced low because I have so little in it.

Tis is the cabinet we sweated over, and now I'm thinking either it's too much distressing or not enough. But whichever, it is what it is and I refuse to do any more with it.

We added this dresser last week. It's a new color for me to work with. It was painted brown, yellow, white, green and then originally varnish. So a lot of sanding, then instead of distressing I used a dark antiquing wax on it to get the distressed look, and added new pulls. Larry had repair work to do on the drawers, as usual. Seems like old dressers get put out to pasture when the drawers start giving way, when all they need is some glue, clamps, and sanding. 

There was an old trundle bed frame in the corner here that I used to hang all sorts of things on. It sold, surprisingly, last weekend, so I had to find places for all those things. I'm thinking about how to fill the corner without attaching to the back of the other booth's shelf.

No changes here, I think. 

And a few things added to the top of this table that we brought in last week.

The Sellers cabinet is still with us--these usually take a year or two to sell, and I don't mind because they're great for display.

So all our aggravation and work Thursday paid off in new items to add to the booths, and that was a good thing since 3 tables, the old trundle, and several other things had sold since we were last in. It was a busy day Friday, but a good one. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. You have quite the area for your finds. Nice that some sold so you can add the new items you just got. Glad to hear that you came to a conclusion about the piece you were having troube with. Someone will buy it and have themselves a nice little project. There's always someone out there. Have a great new week.


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