
Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Cherry Time

69 and raining this morning. Heavy rain yesterday evening, and now showers. Thank goodness, I thought we'd have to be out there with the watering cans again.

Yesterday was cherry -picking time. At least a start at it anyway. Our efforts to keep the tree from freezing in April paid off--remember, we sprayed the tree with water early in the morning for a couple days to wash off the frost? We have more cherries than any past year. This time of year always reminds me of my childhood, and the cherry-picking days I wrote about in this post a few years ago.

We've picked about a third of them, I think. then quickly ran them through the cherry stoner and put them in the freezer. They'll be for pies and jam on another day. Next picking I will make a cobbler, the thing I look forward to all year. For pictures of the cherry pitter, etc. check out this post from 2015.

Yesterday was also snickerdoodles time. Why? No reason except that I got a sudden craving for them. So while I waited for paint to dry on a mantle I was working on, I made cookies. This was before cherry-picking or I'm pretty sure I'd have made cobbler instead! And guess what, there's an old post on this blog about these cookies too, and how to make them. Yeah, I guess I've been blogging a long time because it seems I've written about a lot of things. In this post my granddaughters are so young--now one is in the National Guard full time and the other is expecting her second child. How the years fly by.

Larry got out the paint sprayer and painted the yard bench that's been waiting to be done--a bright aqua color. I'd have preferred a darkish green but the mall owner suggested aqua as it certainly sells on outdoor furniture, so aqua it is. He's been busy with the gardens too, tying up all his tomatoes and putting in even more peppers. That and mowing kept him occupied all day. 

Today is booth work. We have so much to take in, we'll have to take both vehicles and take another load tomorrow too. I'll post photos of what we take in tomorrow, if I have time. I'll be working at the mall after my doctor's appointment in the morning. 

I may miss the writing conference this year. It's this weekend and I always look forward to it, but this year my heart doesn't seem to be in it. Maybe I'll go for one day, just to see everyone. It's been a long two years since the last conference. I really haven't been writing much; inspiration seemed to leave with the pandemic but perhaps now as things return to normal I'll get back to it.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. This post reminded me of two cherry trees at the house I lived in until I was eight years old. I always got disappointed by those cherries - even though they were a beautiful shiny red colour, they weren't sweet, like I thought they should be! Haha. My mother picked them and made pies and canned some. We used little hand held cherry stoners. I still remember how they fit in your hand. -Jenn

  2. Wishing I had a cherry tree after seeing this post.

  3. Ahhh--the good ole days of cherry picking! I remember that vividly and the jam we used to make. Best days ever.

  4. Oh my! Putting the cherries when we were growing up! Sticky legs, sticky hands and the front porch covered in juice! Your tool would have been so nice to have then!


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