
Monday, January 17, 2022

A Little Snow

21, overcast with light snow falling. Full moon was hidden from view last night.

After an all-day wait for the storm to arrive, we finally got freezing rain starting around 4, then the snow arrived around 8pm. And snowed all night. So this is what it looks like this morning: 


Earlier, just at daybreak:

From the kitchen window: 


  1. Glad to know you all got a little snow too!

    1. Yes, and it sure makes me happy. I do love it--just doesn't seem like winter without some snow cover for an extended time. I hope this sticks around for a while.

  2. Your weather never seems to do things by halves, does it? As far as snows concerned, you're very welcome to it, though I would like just enough to take some photos.

    1. Our weather is pretty wild, which is one of the reasons I love living here. Although I could absolutely do without the heat of the past few summers. I am glad to have some snow, as you know--it just feels like winter now. And I am a big fan of winter.

  3. We waited here in KY for snow all day. Was supposed to arrive but we got sleet instead. Then finally a couple of inches overnight. Messy conditions.

    1. That does sound messy, Michelle. I hate ice--it's so treacherous. I hope you've been able to stay home and stay snug.

  4. It looks like a winter wonderland. Stay warm and cosy.

    1. It is, Bill, still beautiful a couple days later. They're calling for rain tomorrow, though, which will make a mess. And probably turn our road into an ice skating rink. So we'll just stay home, always my favorite option.

  5. It always makes me happy to find others who appreciate snow. I know winter is not everyone's favorite season, but it's got beauty all its own.


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