
Sunday, January 16, 2022

Not Much

27 this morning, overcast.

So, we are waiting for the arrival of the storm. Who knows what we will get? Predictions have been all over the map, literally. Depending on when, where and how the storm hits, we could get sleet, freezing rain--please God, not that--or 3" to 10" of snow. Or combinations of all the above.

We are ready. As we usually are, given where we live and how often the power goes off. Plenty of food in cellar and freezer, water stored away, gas for the generator and oil for the lamps. I am ordering a camping toilet today, too late for this storm but it will be handy in future as one of the aggravations of power outages is losing power to the well pump, so no running water. The camping toilet will come in handy for future emergencies, and also later this month when we will be replacing our toilet, and doing a new floor in the bathroom at the same time.

No real news from here. I got my canning completed that was on my to-do list, beans and bean soup, and have been steadily working on painting furniture. Two pieces are done, a third is almost there. Larry has been working on furniture too, as well as cutting up a tree that fell last week. It's been cold weather, not great for being outdoors although I did go out for a bit yesterday to gather up kindling for the fireplace.

Dinner last night was liver in tomato sauce, one of our favorites. I know most people hate liver, but cooked right it's delicious. It's so nice to have such variety of meats in the freezer, everything from trout to venison, turkey, ham, pork chops and roasts, even some rabbit and squirrel. Our middle son has the flu or possibly Omicron right now so we took over one of the quiche I made last week, along with eggs, some canned soups, and some frozen stuffed peppers, along with tomato juice, cider and both DayQuil and NyQuil to ease his symptoms. He reports feeling much better already, thank goodness. We dropped off a box full on his porch, not daring to get too close.

Of course, if he needed me, I would be there with bells on--and double masks and gloves. Because that's what we do, isn't it, when our kids need us. No matter how old they are, if they need help, we go. These viruses make it so much more worrisome and stressful, but if doctors and nurses can do it, so can I--and probably almost every other parent in the world. 

Today I've been listing eBay and now I am off to the paints again. And watching the windows for the snow, if and when it ever comes.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Yes, it eventually will get there. And you living in the NE are probably used to snow events. This isn't that different. Of course I have only had the snow as of Sunday evening, and there's a wind possibility later tonight or tomorrow. You are right,we parents would do whatever we could to help our children.

    1. Well, it sure got here, Barbara, with bells on! There's a possibility of more tomorrow, or it may be rain which will make a mess. Whichever, I plan to stay right here.

  2. I love to read about how people live in different parts of the world. It sounds like you are very well prepared and could survive a while without needing to get out and about for supplies.

    I do hope your son feels better soon x

    1. When I moved here, sustainablemum, we often had to walk in a mile to get home, and had no electricity for about 14 years. So I learned a lot about how to manage during those happy, challenging days. Things are much more "civilized" here now, LOL.

  3. You can count me on the I hate liver list. :) Hope you son is doing better. Stay safe!

    1. You are far from alone, Bill. My English mother ate it for breakfast, LOL. I was never that tough.


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