
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Still Kickin'

72, muggy. Raining since 11am, with a few dry intervals. Overcast and humid, with little to no breeze. 82 yesterday, some rain.

It has been a wet old time on this hill. Rain and rain, with more in tbe forecast for the next few days. At least the garden work is pretty much caught up, although I am sure the weeds are having a fine time. 

I am feeling better slowly. Still tired and a stuffy head and raspy throat, but definitely better. 
I am resting a lot and coddling myself a bit. I finished one book, a novel from the 1930s I think, called Fire in the Water by Peggy Simon. It was set in Scotland and based in a fishing village, and the details made for an interesting read. It was, I suppose, a bit similar to another book I read recently, Spoonhandle, which was set in a Maine fishing village. Both were well written and a pleasure to read.

Even though I've been taking it easy, I am still getting a few things done. I made dill pickles yesterday because the vines are going crazy. I swore I would not make pickles this year because there are so many in the cellar! But I think we will dump the older ones since apparently we are going to have a lot of cucumbers again this year.

I've also been painting furniture and have just about finished with this Hoosier-style kitchen cabinet, and a little chest of drawers. 

You can imagine how tricky it is to cook and can in my kitchen right now, but I am managing. Larry has the workroom taken up with a desk he's working on, so the kitchen is my fall-back work area. I love that the kitchen is so versatile and roomy.

Today I am making soup from stuff in the fridge freezer. I am determined to used up every single thing in there. This soup has broccoli, meatballs, asparagus, zucchini and yellow squash, onions and a mushroom thingies I made last year with wild mushrooms.  It tastes heavenly, believe it or not. There is also potatoes, bay leaves, chicken stock, garlic and Worchestershire sauce in it. When it's done I will pit it all through the food processor and May or may not add cheese. I am not sure it needs it, though.

Right now this is what I am doing. I will be busy enough when Larry gets back from the store, so I am going to take advantage of this time right now.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Soup sounds delicious. Take care of yourself!

  2. I'm so jealous of your rain! It has been so dry here. We had 'promises' of rain all last week but the skies only mustered up a few drops. We had a pretty good downfall Monday morning but it has been dry ever since. There is a chance of storms/rain this afternoon through Friday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Your kitchen looks so cozy! And soup sounds so good!


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