
Thursday, July 28, 2022


72, cloudy, humid, showers. We have had rain every day this week, often very heavy downpours. Flooding happening in many areas of West Virginia.

Well, we learned that Larry's friend who owns the antique store across from our mall had Covid, and since Larry had been in close contact with him we decided to get the home tests.

And bingo. We both tested positive. What.A.Bummer. We have managed to avoid Covid for over 2 years, but it finally caught up with us. We are doing well; I think I am mostly over it now. Larry seems to have a worse case but is still not doing badly. He rests a lot and has the cough, but no fever or head cold like me. So we're homebound for a while, which as you probably know suits me very well.

We have both been busy, in between resting. We finished up the Hoosier-style cabinet yesterday and have it loaded in the van. I will finish the small chest of drawers now that I have space to work, and start on another kitchen cabinet. Larry is working on an old cupboard too, so that one will be in line for paint soon.

I am still sorting drawers and cabinets and have another full box for the thrift. Also shipping books to various people, and some of my storytelling notebooks to a friend who might be able to use my research. 

Since I found that eggs seemed to be the thing causing my stomach issues, I have avoided them. But yesterday I decided to try egg whites only, and had no problems. So today I made this delicious thing for breakfast:

It's a slice of thick wheat toast, then a slice of ham, guacamole, egg, tomato and sour cream on top. So tall we ate it with knife and fork. I think it has all the food groups! 

We haven't been able to get in the gardens much at all. Larry has ventured in to pick what he can. Tomatoes are starting to ripen, and the one on our breakfast was a large German Pink. 

The hibiscus has started to bloom, such large, beautiful flowers. I will be moving this bush next year, and making this small space a little rose garden. There are already 2 rose bushes there, but the hibiscus hides them.

I was saddened to hear of the unexpected death of Mick Maloney, an amazing Irish musician, historian,  ethnomusicologist, teacher, and so much more. I feel fortunate to have met him and heard him speak and play. Such a loss. I will close today by leaving you with a taste of his rich talent.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sorry to hear that you both got covid but are doing ok. Good that you got the vaccine to lessen its impact. Sad news about Mick Malonely passing. Enjoy your day!

  2. Wow, you don't seem to have been impacted by COVID at all...though I do hope you're resting as much as you feel like doing. I'm so glad to hear you have light cases...and I guess when you get to 5 days, you can test again and see if you've recovered. Take care.

  3. covid hitting so many…mask and isolate when you can…


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