
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Break Time

57 this morning, cloudy but clearing later. Crisp and cool all day.

I took it a little slow today, hoping my old knee would benefit from a break. Lots of little tasks, including continuing decluttering. Drawers got sorted, and I made a tiny dent in the ebay room, packing up stuff that hasn't sold or that I have had quite a while but haven't listed. After the intensity of summer gardens and canning, these little tasks feel good.

Break time included picking out some books to get started on. I haven't had time to read for several weeks; now, we shall see if any of these are any good. I am excited about the slim book of poetry by my friend Stephanie Kendrick of Ohio. I really enjoy her writing.

Recently we finished watching the series A French Village. It was excellent, and I highly recommend it. We are still talking about it, it's one of those movies that will stay with you long after its over.Through 7 seasons the story follows several citizens of Villeneuve during the time of Nazi occupation and its aftermath when the war ends. Characters are multidimensional; no one, not even the Nazis in the story, are flat characters. I learned a lot about the politics of France at the time and the complex dynamics of the occupation as people tried to either collaborate or resist the occupation and sometimes did both. Treatment of Jews and other nationalities was, surprisingly, almost as bad by the French as by the Nazis. Everyone struggled to simply survive, and of course there were several who also tried to profit in one way or another. I had to fast forward through some brutal scenes as I cannot tolerate onscreen violence, but I ended up caring deeply about these people, always a sign to me of a good movie.

Off I go now to get some of my mums planted. I have been procrastinating all day!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a really interesting series, thank you for you for sharing. A break is always a good thing when you have been busy, I hope the pause was good and nourishing.


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