
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Of Dogs and the Queen

59 this morning, another clear, cool day.

Well, I have cleaned house, done more trimming around the gardens, and helped Larry bathe the good. Time for a break.

Our dogs have somehow got an itchy rash or maybe mites? I wonder if they caught it from one of the raccoons Larry trapped, because they are never around other dogs, and no cats besides Clyde. There have been 2 feral cats around that we have seen a couple times, however.  We have bathed the dogs in some stinky anti-mite medicine twice now, and it works for a couple days, then they are back to scratching again. Any recommendations? 

It has been interesting to follow the coverage of the Queen's passing. We don't have TV but listen to BBC News Hour on the radio. Her death so soon after the election of a new PM could have caused great turmoil in England, but so far all has been a seamless transition.

I am not one who admires royalty. Indeed, I don't see the need for it, especially when so much money is e pe ded on preserving it. But I always admired Elizabeth's dignity and grace, and was sad to hear of her death. My mother, being English, always revered the Queen, perhaps in part because they were very close to the same age. And my dear Aunt Grace in England was devastated, I am sure. At 101, she was still outside to celebrate the Queen's 70th anniversary of her coronation. 

Nothing much else to say today. I am working on two pieces of furniture, a mission style desk and a dining table with 4 chairs. The desk is done and so is the table but the chairs are going to take some time. So, I have had my break. Now back to the paint!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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