
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Getting Back to Something Like Normal

September weather has been just about perfect. Highest temperature this month so far, 88. Some long rainy spells and humidity but overall a nice month so far.

Well. Finally I am sitting down to write for a minute or two. Two granddaughters came to visit, one staying for 2 wonderful weeks to start work on her cabin in earnest.  The foundation is coming along and should be done this week if the weather cooperates. Our son Derek has been here helping, along with some of his friends, and of course Larry has been in hog heaven getting to do masonry again.

Me? I cooked, cleaned, washed muddy clothes, holding the fort basically. It has been a busy, happy time and now we are assessing where we were before and getting caught up on the things put on hold while we got the cabin underway.

The gardens are pretty well done, so I haven't needed to can. There are very few apples and no peaches so that part of our usual fall work won't happen. I bought two peach trees which we will plant today--they cost less than 2 bushels of peaches and hopefully we will recoup their cost in a few years. I also bought more raspberry plants which wi also go in the ground today.

That's the quick and dirty summary of the past week or so. Of course there was booth work mixed in there, and some good visits with friends. 

On the way home from working on my booths the other day I stopped to take some photos of the wildflowers along Joe's Run. The various yellow ones are just amazing this year.

Goldenrod and ironweed

Thistles with tick-seeded sunflowers

Along Joe's Run, at Poverty Fork road

Tick-seeded sunflowers with jewelweed

Ironwood with a type of sunflower i have not identified 

Cattails on the lake

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear of peach trees being planted. Somehow every new tree is important these days. Loved all the wildflowers!


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