
Thursday, September 1, 2022

Still Here; Big Doings

68 this morning, clear and crisp 2 days in a row after a Tuesday of rain.

I'm still here but my goodness things have been hopping since my last post. Granddaughter S is here and work has commenced in earnest on her getaway cabin.

So far, the road has been prepped, gravel has been delivered and spread.. Larry and our son Derek have been busy, along with our neighbor Jamie who does the dozer work. The site was laid out and graded, the foundation site squared, the footer dug. Today more gravel arrived--it's a fairly long road-- and the 4 of them are up there placing rebar in the footer. Tomorrow the concrete arrives, and the concrete block for the foundation, which Larry, Derek and Sarah will lay. Larry will do corners and guide the other 2, since he was a bricklayer before he retired.

It's been pretty exciting, and exhausting I am sure for those doing all this heavy work. My role has been cook, and I have been doing a LOT of it. They have eaten well! Hopefully the foundation will be completed this weekend, and then we just wait for the cabin to arrive.

So that's the news from here. I have done some canning in the midst of all this, as ripe food doesn't wait. So I made 20 quarts of grape juice and put up about 16 large bags of corn in the freezer. There are more grapes and corn out there but we have enough. I am hoping a neighbor will take the rest.

All for now. I wi post photos when I get up there to the cabin site to take some.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. How exciting! I wish I lived close so I could come and join in the fun and work!

  2. Keeping everyone well fed, and putting up whatever you wish for the winter...very important jobs. So the cabin is a kit? Coming in pieces and will fit right on the foundation! Wonderful. Just lots of nails needed and levels...and more sweat too.


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