
Thursday, November 17, 2022

Toad in the Hole, Crafting and Reading

30 this morning with light snow. Warmed up to about 34 but felt colder. A gray, damp day, cloud cover a day. The zinnias and other flowers are finally done.

We are finally trending toward winter, I think--- although I think the old calendars that had winter beginning November 1 was more correct than our current start date in December. This November,  though has certainly been an aberration! 70 last week, and in the 20s this week.

Have you ever made "toad in the hole"? That's what my mother called it anyway: a piece of bread with a circle cut in the center, and an egg cooked in the hole. I made it this morning, just for fun. It's really just a fried egg and toast, I suppose, but looks so cute. We have been getting more creative with breakfasts, varying what we make each day. Yesterday was apple pancakes, the day before oatmeal with blueberries, day before that scrambled eggs with salsa and cheese and wrapped in a tortilla, etc. Tomorrow? Yogurt and granola, I think, with whole berry cranberry sauce.

Yesterday was one of those days that just didn't go according to plan. Nothing bad, thankfully. The contractor for the new roof for the log room was supposed to be here at 8:30 so we were up and getting our work done early. So of course he showed up when it was closer to 10. He left a little before 11, then we finished loading the van and left to stock our Ravenswood booth. But we had several stops to make on the way, so by the time we got there we had only 2 hours to get our work done. Needless to say, we didn't finish so I will be going back tomorrow. 

We had stops to make on the way home too. We needed a few things from Walmart, and I picked up some florals to try my hand at making some Christmas arrangements. By the time we got home, it was too late to do anything except unpack and put away.

Today I made a few things. They're packed up to take to the booth tomorrow. Then to see if they sell. It was fun to mess with these, I have to admit. Here are a few of them.

Right now the fire is blazing, and I am reading a bit more of my book, An Old Woman's Reflections: The Life of a Blasket Island Storyteller, by Peig Sayers. This is a 1993 reprint of a 1962 collection of memories of a woman who spent her married life on a remote island off the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland.  Told just as she spoke, and I can hear her voice strongly as she tells of shipwrecks, lost loves, sickness and the struggle of the fishermen's life. A nice way to spend this wintry evening.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. 
No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Good looking little decorations. They will brighten up your display areas for sure. Oh, I'm imagining sitting by a fire! My little heater at my feet smiles as it oscillates, doing it's best. I've found the wall heaters throw too many allergens around in the air, so I prefer to do this "spot area heating" wherever I am.

  2. I've kept the woodstove hot for a couple of days now, the cold may be staying this time. Still planning to get more tulip bulbs planted, but gosh there are so many tasks that MUST be done. Onward!

  3. Well, you certainly put effort into breakfast! I've been making smoothies for myself, but before this it was just cereal. I hope your festive decorations sell! -Jenn

  4. It's aggravating when someone shows up late and you expected them earlier, it can ruin a day.

  5. It's aggravating when someone shows up late and you expected them earlier, it can ruin a day.

  6. We make a toad in the hole here in the UK but it is very different. It is a sausages cooked in a batter which when cooked is called Yorkshire pudding (its savoury) it is hard to describe but it makes a light airy cake like structure with the sausages in it. Probably best to google to see if you can find any pictures!


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