
Sunday, November 20, 2022


23 this morning, clear as a bell. Warmed up to 32 but that was it. Colder expected tonight.

It certainly feels like winter. Friday it flurried all day; yesterday was sunny but so cold, about 37 for our high. Today...brrrrr. 

But weather didn't stop friends and family from visiting. Friday evening my oldest son George arrived for the coming week's hunting season. He stays over at his friend's hunting camp, but he was here for dinner Friday and yesterday, and breakfast today.

Yesterday our good friends from Sistersville drove down to visit. It was so nice to see them, as it has been several years since we last got together. The pandemic kind of intervened. We met them and our oldest son at the place where I have my newest booth for lunch---this place has a small cafe and serves a limited menu of good food. It's another new favorite place for us to stop when we're out. 

So I have been doing some cooking, since my third son also came over Saturday night for dinner. Friday night I was thankful to have some frozen ravioli and French bread, so I could simply heat some of my pasta sauce, bake the bread and cook the ravioli to add to the sauce, pull out a leftover salad and a pie from the freezer, and dinner was ready. I wasn't expecting my son so early, as he usually comes on the Saturday before season but he decided to come sooner. I was working at my booths in Ravenswood, and had to finish up so I didn't get home until almost 5. It worked out perfectly though.

Last night I got some venison from the freezer and 2 jars of vegetable soup, combined them all and added some spices and other things and made probably the best vegetable beef--well, venison--stew I have ever made. Thick and hearty, and served with bread and a salad it was a perfect meal for such a cold day.

This morning I was up early to make biscuits and gravy and fried eggs, an old country standard, for my son. I guess the last time I made this breakfast was last December when our granddaughter visited. Too full of carbs and calories for us old people, but a nice treat from time to time.

I'll be cooking dinner again tomorrow night, probably a pot of chili, and cornbread for the hunters. Hearty, spicy and warming. The weather should improve this week, so they won't be too miserable out there.

The last time the family all gathered for Thanksgiving, November 2018. It gets harder and harder to get everyone home at once as the grandkids grow up and scatter across the country. At this gathering, we had 27 people around the table.

I've been mentally planning Thanksgiving dinner too. I think I can prepare it almost entirely from the freezer, pantry and cellar, which is really nice. Venison roast with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, corn casserole,--I think my lettuce is still making it--Waldorf salad, cranberry sauce, maybe beets, green beans perhaps, and apple, cherry and pumpkin pies. I have frozen rolls to fix too, and will buy things to make crudites. And of course I have to make eggnog, a family favorite. I think we will have plenty.

How are your Thanksgiving plans coming? Do you cook, go out, or just not worry about it? This year there will be 8 of us for dinner, so no big crowd, but still fun.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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