
Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Christmas All Around the House

23 this morning, clear. The forecast is for some bad weather coming.

I love Christmas decorations! I enjoy seeing those of other people too. Sometimes it gives me ideas for my own home. Here's a look at some of the decorations around our house.

On the porch:

In the living room:

In the kitchen:

Back in the living room:

In the log room:

That's most of our decorations. There are more outside that I will try to photograph later. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Lovely. I wish I could pop round to wish you Merry Christmas in person.

  2. How very well garnished your home is for the season! I love how the twinkle lights just highlight the each of its colors!

  3. Your decorations look magnificent placed around your house.


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